Including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Emirates… 9 Arab countries issue statement on escalation in Israel and Palestinian territories

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – The foreign ministers of 9 Arab countries: the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, issued a statement on Thursday condemning and rejecting the targeting civilians and “all acts of violence and terrorism” against them, condemning forced displacement and touching on a number of points relating to the continuing escalation in Israel and the Palestinian territories, particularly the Gaza Strip.

The statement included: “Condemning and rejecting attacks against civilians, all acts of violence and terrorism against them, and all violations and transgressions of international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, by from any party, including attacks on infrastructure and civilians.” structures.”

The foreign ministers of the nine countries condemned “individual or collective forced displacement, as well as the policy of collective punishment” and underlined the rejection of “any attempt to liquidate the Palestinian cause at the expense of the Palestinian people and the peoples of the countries of the region , or in any way displace the Palestinian people from their land, as this constitutes a serious violation of international humanitarian law.” “It constitutes a war crime.”

The countries that issued the declaration underlined “the need to commit to ensuring full compliance with the 1949 Geneva Conventions, including with regard to the responsibilities of the occupying power, and also the importance of immediately releasing hostages and civilian prisoners, and to ensure that they receive safe, dignified and humane treatment in line with international law.” “With emphasis on the role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in this regard.”

The Foreign Ministers underlined that “the right to self-defense guaranteed by the United Nations Charter does not justify flagrant violations of international law and international humanitarian law, nor the deliberate neglect of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-defense determination and end the decades-long occupation.”

The nine countries called on the Security Council to “force the parties into an immediate and sustainable ceasefire” and underlined that “the failure to characterize flagrant violations of international humanitarian law amounts to giving the green light to the continuation of these practices and complicates them”. in committing them.”

He called on Foreign Ministers to work to “ensure and facilitate rapid, safe and sustainable access to humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip without hindrance in accordance with relevant humanitarian principles, and to mobilize additional resources in cooperation with the United Nations and its affiliated organizations and agencies, in particular UNRWA.”

In their statement, the nine countries expressed “deep concern about the possibility of the current confrontation and conflict spreading to other regions of the Middle East, and called on all parties to exercise the highest level of restraint, underlining that the expansion of this conflict will have serious consequences for the peoples of the region and for international peace and security.

The foreign ministers of the countries that issued the statement also expressed “deep concern about the escalation of violence in the West Bank and called on the international community to support and strengthen the Palestinian National Authority and to provide financial support to the Palestinian people, including through Palestinian institutions, because it is extremely important.”

The nine countries underlined that “the absence of a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to repeated acts of violence and suffering for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples and for the peoples of the region” and underlined “the importance of community international, especially the Security Council, assuming its responsibilities to try to achieve peace in the Middle East and making efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East.” A rapid, real and collective solution to the conflict and the implementation of the two-state system solution on the basis of the relevant United Nations resolutions, ensuring the creation of an independent, sovereign, territorially continuous and viable Palestinian state on the pre-June 4, 1967 lines , with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

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