Increase in bird flu cases in sea lions: They advise staying away from beaches and avoiding contact with animals

They found three positive cases of bird flu in a fur seal. (Photo: Courtesy of Tierra del Fuego Tourism Institute)

under bird flu outbreak Affecting Argentine sea lions National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) confirmed on monday three new cases positive side.The infections were found in towns in Buenos Aires cla romeco and san blasand in San Antonio East, Heihe.Number of infections in marine mammals increasing day by day Authorities advise Avoid going to beaches or affected areas.

Given the progression of the disease, vigilance. “The findings are in response to surveillance operations and health measures implemented across the country, which were established through the declaration of a state of emergency. Senate Resolution No. 147/2023”, detailed official sources.

The first sirens were sounded in early August Rio Grande, Tierra del FuegoWhere 21 sea lions a hair (Sophora flavescensits scientific name) They were found dead in various places along the coast. Given the suspicion, samples were sent to Senasa National Laboratory, where seven samples were positive. Avian influenza H5. Prior to this, the animals had only been suspected twice in the country, both of which came back negative, the agency explained.

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As time went on, more and more dead sea lion specimens began to be found. As a result of the analysis of the bodies and the autopsy, the city of Buenos Aires reported an avian influenza infection. Necochea, Villarino, south of Bahía Blanca, Puerto Loyola (Santa Cruz), Viedma (Rio Negro), Port of Piramides (Chubut) and in the city silver sea, Province of Buenos Aires. Subsequently, three more positive cases confirmed yesterday were added.

Notifications of such findings started to mount last month, according to SENASA sources. database. “It is very important to report animal deaths so that samples can be collected quickly and action taken in cooperation with all health, animal departments in all provinces and municipalities,” they explained.

They found dead sea lions in Mar del Plata. (Senasa)

In Mar del Plata, one of the busiest seaside resorts in the country, in Sea Lion Colony at the Port’s South Breakwater, the largest colony of the species in the area, had to be closed.In addition, cases have been recorded on the coast in different parts of the Central Coast such as La Perla, Varese, Punta Iglesias, Popular Beaches, Grande Beach and Cliffsaccording to information from the agency Teram. “Symptomatic or dead wolves were found on the various beaches where wolves were present,” the agency said.

Although “they did not define it as an outbreak of avian flu”, the situation has raised concerns among local authorities. “Currently, meetings are taking place in all areas intervening in the issue: health, civil defense, SENASA and park rangers”, details the source via general pueredon to this medium. “Meetings are held regularly and day-to-day work is being undertaken as the topic progresses,” they added.

They closed the largest sea lion colony in Mar del Plata due to bird flu cases (@puertomdpok)

Given recent detections of marine mammal outbreaks, Senasa recommends Prevent access and circulation of people and vehicles to the beach or affected spaces And advise against handling dead animals or animals with suspicious symptoms (such as nervous disturbances or seizures) as a form of prevention. “It is important to note If there is no contact, there is no risk of infecting people,” an official source told Infobae.

Additionally, they recommend keep pets away from infected areas; Avoid direct contact with wild birds, observe them only from a distance, and do not touch surfaces that may be contaminated with wild bird secretions or droppings. If an animal is found to be “stressed” or showing signs of death, they ask to avoid direct contact and to notify the agency through available contact channels.

“Regarding the number of cases or lesions found, they are reported by us, and this does not refer to cases in wolves, but to testing before suspicion or death in a herd of animals, For example. That is, when a death occurs or symptoms develop in an area, preventive measures are taken as a priority,” they complete from the agency.

Recommendations from SENASA (Photo: Senasa)

On the other hand, the increase in cases has alarmed residents of the province. black river. A team from the Department of Environment and Climate Change patrolled the coast over the weekend with two veterinarians who specialize in necropsy of marine mammals and wild birds, taking samples from dead animals to “sequence the virus and determine its behaviour,” as the official as reported.

in the following areas punta bermeja A total of 23 recently deceased fur seals and 1 dead fur seal were found. Likewise, 53 animals of the same species were found with symptoms consistent with the disease, as well as two dead birds.At the same time, in Port San Antonio WestA sea lion carcass was found on the coast and after a series of sampling it turned out to be one of the positive cases reported on Monday.

Faced with this situation, the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Environmental Secretariat have recently approved the “Protocol of Pannipedos Management Recommendations Prepared by the Federal Stranding Network Compatible with Avian Influenza Symptoms” and urged the municipalities of the Atlantic coast Establish necessary measures to keep humans and domestic animals out of contact with sea lions.

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“We have been working hard since the disease was first detected in wild birds in February, and then in August the outbreak was contained in both wild birds and poultry. We are now working on prevention in every region where we have found infection, ’ explained the state health agency. database.

Since the day when the suspected case was reported, municipal, provincial, and national agencies have held meetings many times to report the suspected case. Outbreak Intervention Protocol to coordinate health strategies and actions for containment.

Identify a place of burial for suspected dead animals to avoid any type of contamination or contagion from other animals or people. Senasa said in a statement.According to the entity, recently detected in marine mammals “They do not affect self-declared animal health status” Argentina is recognized by the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA) as a country free of HPAI in poultry.

continue reading:

What is the reason for the continuous advancement of the bird flu epidemic in South America
As 40 sea lions in Necochea die mysteriously, they investigate a possible large-scale bird flu outbreak

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