Increased respiratory disease and pneumonia epidemics among children in China worries WHO International | News

World Health Organization On Wednesday, the World Health Organization expressed concern about the increase in respiratory diseases in China and asked people to “take measures” to protect themselves, according to a statement issued by the World Health Organization. Social network

The World Health Organization issues a formal request to China for details on rising respiratory disease and pneumonia outbreaks in children“Measures to reduce the risk of respiratory illness” are recommended, the advisory said.

Chinese authorities and media have reported an increase in respiratory illnesses, including Undiagnosed pneumonia lesions in children in the north of the country.

On November 22, the World Health Organization requested “additional epidemiological and clinical information, as well as laboratory results of the outbreak identified in children.”

He also requested “additional information on recent epidemic trends in known pathogens, particularly influenza.” SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes covid-19), RSV and Mycoplasma pneumoniae affecting infants, and the level of crowding in the health system,” the statement added.

The organization noted that Chinese authorities have attributed the rise in respiratory illnesses to the lifting of anti-COVID restrictions and the spread of known pathogens.

The measures proposed to China are similar to those taken during the covid-19 pandemic: get vaccinated, keep your distance from sick people, stay home if you have symptoms, get tested and Please wear a mask if necessaryin addition to keeping the place well ventilated and washing hands frequently.

The first cases of the Covid-19 pandemic were detected in China in late 2019, during which the World Health Organization repeatedly accused Beijing of a lack of transparency and cooperation.

The World Health Organization and other countries have also condemned China’s lack of cooperation in investigations to determine the origins of the pandemic, which have yet to reach a clear conclusion. (Yo)

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