Infiltrate the White House, the new TV series that mocks Watergate

pages of History who shookpublic opinion and which has made a mark on the common imagination (especially in the political) has always been a source of inspiration for great movies and TV series, which tell true events with a decisive attitude, a critical eye and not at all sugary Are. And in America, there has been an explosion of huge scandals. More recently – we’re talking about the 1990s – what overwhelmed former President Clinton has been celebrated in many ways. Even more had rattled the Nixon administration during the 1970s. scandal watergateNot only celebrated in history books, now alive again Intrusion into the White House, the HBO mini-series, which has been airing here in Italy since June 11 on Sky and streaming on NowTv. Five episodes produced – which air on a weekly basis – to tell the origins of a scandal that forever changed the eyes of a nation political institution,

This will not be the first and certainly not the last media account of what happened in the White House, and it certainly Intrusion into the White House It’s certainly not the best, but the experiment is convincing for a very specific reason: it confronts misconduct of American politics with a comedic tinge. He recounts the scandal but starts from the beginning, that is, in 1971, before the election for a second term and before the collapse of the good Nixon (paper) palace. Thus, the comic device stages an (almost) impossible story where everything (still) seems possible.

a former CIA and FBI agent who was behind the scam

The story takes place in 1971 when Howard Hunt, who was a CIA agent, and Gordon Libby, with a past in the ranks of the FBI, are hired by the White House to shed light on a theft. document Pentagon secret due to Daniel Ellsberg. A devastating leak rocks the president’s chair and two former agents find their only chance to head off the crisis. He put together a very shabby team, which, however, through a series of chases, failed to definitively resolve the issue. Despite this, he is promoted and, thanks to a White House advisor, is hired to serve on President Nixon’s re-election committee. This is because an organization was established of fundraiser To conduct espionage, sabotage, infiltration, disinformation and electronic surveillance against adversaries. Both Howard and Gordon, however, turned out to be the originators of the scandal, which resulted in the President being forced to resign to avoid (other) consequences.

An Ironic Series That Gets Lost in (Too Much) Talk

It’s not easy to overall evaluate a TV series with only one episode, especially one like Intrusion into the White House Which is inspired by true events. However, in this case one episode is enough to understand not only the tone of the series but also its staging. It’s an unusual series, one that convinces with an excellent choice of cast – Harrelson and Theroux are immense – that delights with an excellent reconstruction. custom of that time, and which is even more convincing thanks to its comic action, capable of telling America of the 70s sarcasm and black humor As if nothing was ever taken seriously. But the beauty ends there. Infiltrating the White House doesn’t go too far beyond a predetermined plan and doesn’t eschew the mechanisms of comedy, even making fun of true events. that’s why it becomes a verbose series, in which we speak too much and do little, do not follow the ultimate intentions and who prefer to mock the politics of stars and stripes rather than try to get to the bottom of the subject, to give a kind of explanation What happened. The stance may even be innovative, but fails to convince everything else with flying colors.

Two film stars who “re-read” history

Although Intrusion into the White House It’s not a series without flaws, it’s still attractive to the type of audience looking for a product of pure (and mere) entertainment, something close and common to us in history. And from this point of view, the HBO miniseries works precisely because it found mold Two legitimate actors to tell the background of the scam. For Woody Harrelson – who plays CIA agent Howard Hunt – it’s a return to the small screen after glory true Detective, A return in style for an actor who has been able to push his limits every time and give unique and versatile characters to the audience. With him is Justin Theroux – ex-husband of Jennifer Aniston, unforgettable (among other things) for his role in the series trash – There is a man here sarcastic, Admirer of Hitler’s figure but not exactly efficient at work. Together they make an incredible acting duo.

Before Watergate there were the Pentagon Papers

It must be said that what happened in America has very deep roots political scandals Which impressed Nixton and his convoy. What led the press to scrutinize the president and his games to win the election, essentially, from the pentagon papers, an event that the series directly deals with. The Pentagon Papers are 7,000 pages of top-secret documents from the United States Department of Defense that present an in-depth study of the federal government’s strategies and relations with Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. They were collected in 1967. , at the behest of Robert McNamara, who wanted to give them to his friend Robert Kennedy, who was considering running for president at the time. However, the Pentagon Papers were then copied by Daniel Ellsberg and published first in the New York Times, on the front page, on June 13, 1971, and then also in the Washington Post.

What does scandal mean for modern culture?

This is a deep wound in American politics. Watergate was a turning point for all institutional data His relationship with the United States and public opinion. The fact is that, even today, there is an occasion to reflect on the state and Political situation of Americans in the world, shows us the scope and power of the scam. It is vitally important because it erupted in a time of great change. After the war in Vietnam, the veil that once existed between the White House and the common citizen has thinned. The notion of who was – and where did he come from – the adversary to fight has changed. recognized by then external threatsWatergate represented a profound moment of crisis for society and the beginning of a complex process of self-criticism that influenced American psychology and culture.

infiltrating the white house series 2

“The White House Plumber”, A True Story

“The following is based on a true story. No names have been changed to protect the innocent, as nearly all have been found guilty.” These are the words that appear on the screen shortly before the first episode. well yes, Intrusion into the White House Inspired by true events. Pot They are not imaginary. Gregory and Hueck, longtime authors of Late Show with David Letterman some more episodes by vape and fryerdeveloped the series into a 2007 book titled Integrity: Good People, Bad ChoicesWhere we get the first look at the White House’s “infamous” plumber.

and then there was the gaslight

The Starz TV mini-series is back a year, with more tone Dramatici, which tells the story of Scandal. gaslit, The title, which stars actors such as Sean Penn and Julia Roberts, is set in 1973 and focuses on the wife of the Attorney General of the United States, who was also the architect of Watergate. more captions and feministThe series was still praised by critics.

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