Influenza and COVID-19 expand their dominance and complicate health care

Influenza and COVID-19 expand their dominance and complicate health careVincent M. Pastor

The final legacy of 2023, which had just been bid farewell three days ago, caused discomfort and fever.The cold and festive crowds associated with Christmas have Encourage respiratory illness. There is nothing unusual about this time of year, despite recovering from the flu, being sleepy due to the use of masks, the precautionary rules implemented during the coronavirus pandemic, and the consequences of the coronavirus are still not removed from people’s lives disappear.Our lives have Infectious diseases spread to the point of complicating health care. Medical centers are overwhelmed with patients, and the pressure is worrying emergency department leaders.

Acute respiratory virus cases continue to rise Experts warn that the peak of this wave of epidemic has not yet arrived. A week ago, the incidence rate in the Valencian community was higher than the national average.and Worsening weekend weather forecast raises concerns health officials.

In early October, flu cases began to increase in Ribeira; Escalation is gradual. It’s a seasonal disease and is within normal limits, but in the days leading up to Christmas the statistics have spiked, with experts predicting, The increase will be even greater in the first few weeks of January.

Coronavirus rebounds in late summerwhen the rate reached 75.01 per 100,000 inhabitants, and in the first phase of the autumn, despite A gradual decrease has been detected in recent weeks According to health department sources, the number of cases till it reached 34.30.Experts They predict a rebound COVID-19 in the coming weeks.

In some acute respiratory tract infection incidence maps compiled by the Lalibela Ministry of Health, One of the areas with the highest infection ratesThis comes despite assurances from experts that manifestations of the illnesses are “normal for this time of year” and downplaying the seriousness of the outbreak. They recommend vaccination to increase prevention.

Ribera Health Department 54,339 doses of flu vaccine administered Since the event started on October 16th.and Nearly 40,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered More than 1,000 doses of vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), a virus detected in childhood bronchiolitis.But health officials believe They’re not enough, they’re calling on people in the area to get vaccinated to stop the spread of infection.

“Vaccines are the best defense against these viruses, not only to protect ourselves but also to protect those around us, especially those who are vulnerable or have chronic medical conditions,” the regional director of public health said. Amparo Buendia.

Work is always stressful when a cold gets worse. Winter is a boon, and the coexistence of the flu and coronavirus doesn’t help reduce waiting lists.Experts have warned Extreme precautions need to be taken and the convenience of vaccination, but reality is stubborn and eventually imposes itself, especially at the emergency room door. The day after the Christmas party, Ribera Hospital saw a record number of hospital admissions. The workload is brutal. Tuesday, December 26 No less than 539 patients received treatmentAlthough it is an auspicious day, the number is a far cry from the 316 cases seen during New Year’s Eve.

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