Influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations at Cadiz Medical School

It is targeted at people over 70, adults with dangerous medical conditions, highly dependent people and their professional caregivers, and pregnant women.

The vaccine has been given to the highest risk groups

October 17, 2023

Updated at 9:11 p.m.

Bahía de Cádiz-La Janda Primary Health Care Area in Influenza and Covid-19 vaccinations start from Tuesday at the headquarters of the College of Physicians in Cadiz Applicable to adult users with appointments at Mentidero and La Merced Medical Centers in the capital of Cádiz. The Territorial Health and Consumer Affairs Mission, as well as the District itself, thanked the entity for providing the facilities for this purpose.

In the current vaccination campaign, the College of Physicians Headquarters will focus its efforts during October and November This service is provided by professionals of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) to all adults with indications from both health centers. As far as minors are concerned, flu vaccinations will be concentrated in La Merced and Oliveiro. For their part, users of the La Paz Health Center in Cadiz are vaccinated at the nearby Social Services Center “La Paz”, to which users from Puerta Tierra will also be referred. In other areas of the health zone, including the cities of Cadiz Bay and Lahanda, vaccinations will be carried out at the corresponding primary health centers.

Andalusia started this Monday 16 October, second phase of the 2023/2024 influenza and COVID-19 vaccination campaign Started last week.Therefore, they will be able to receive both vaccines People over 70 and adults with dangerous medical conditions, highly dependent people and their professional caregivers, and pregnant women. From the same day, flu vaccinations will also be available Children 6 to 59 monthsboth are included.

The campaign began last week to vaccinate residents of senior living centers and centers for people with disabilities, The general population aged 85 or over and staff in health and social care centres, residential and disability centres. Likewise, students on placements in health and social care centres, residential and disability centres, and children aged 6 to 59 months (inclusive) attending calendar vaccine appointments can now receive the flu vaccine.

The next phase will be October 30th. From then on, people over 60 years of age will receive dual vaccination, and other professional groups such as security forces and institutions, prison institutions, and other professional groups such as veterinarians, farm workers or ranchers will receive influenza vaccination .

this the end of the world The plan will be implemented from December, when elderly people aged 60 or above or high-risk groups at home will be vaccinated against influenza and new coronavirus.

People in the target group can book an appointment through the Salud Responde app or by phone, ClicSalud+ or at their health center.

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