Influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations have begun in residential areas, and other vaccinations will begin on the 10th

As happened with the first COVID-19 vaccine, it is again Los Royal Sanatoriumgoverned by a Board of Directors, was the first to launch the campaign Combined influenza and COVID-19 vaccination. A total of 2.2oo residents and 1,200 professionals are required to be immunized. The residential centers of Matamala, Tardelcuende and Quintana Redonda follow.

Board representative Yolanda de Gregorio appealed to everyone involved in the meeting risk group Vaccination is required because, although health personnel visit residences to administer the vaccine (including staff at these centres), the general public must apply for an appointment through the usual channels, i.e. via the Internet with Sacyl Connect Appinside Castile and Leon Health Portal and in quantity Health center phone number Correspondent.

You can make it a few days in advance October 10 This is when the event is open to the public. For people aged 60 and over or under 60 with risk factors, each health region will determine where vaccinations are available and how to make appointments based on their social and health status, the bureau reported. Demographic status and health, etc.

DeGregorio emphasized that the new coronavirus is “still in the incubation period” and that it is necessary to receive a dose of vaccine every year and use the variant that is active at the time.

population. On October 10, vaccination will begin for the general population among those recommended for vaccination. Among them, people aged 60 and above, or those below 60 but with risk factors.

place. Each health district will determine where vaccinations are available and how to make appointments based on social, demographic, health conditions and other conditions.

reserve. Applications can be made a few days before October 10 through the usual channels: the Sacyl Conecta app, the phone number of the health center and the Castile and Leon Health Portal.

health. Health and social hygiene staff will be able to receive vaccinations in the workplace through occupational health services.

Residential. Vaccinations are administered by health professionals who visit these facilities. Their presence will be used to vaccinate the professionals working there.

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