Influenza cases double in a week, Ministry of Health to conduct afternoon vaccinations at 5 centers

The flu epidemic in Aragon does not appear to have reached its peak yet, and in order to stem infections Aragonese who wish to be vaccinated against the virus can make appointments starting next Monday.The health department had originally planned to start the campaign in February next year, but has previously moved it up A sharp increase in incidents For the third consecutive week, the baseline threshold of 59.6 cases set for the season was exceeded. In the week of New Year and Epiphany, the number of cases almost doubled, from 167.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants at the end of last year to 303.5. In contrast, Spain overall fell by 11%, the first time in four weeks. The COVID-19 epidemic in Aragon has receded; The number of people affected fell from 41 to 32 per 100,000 people.

Given the escalation of the outbreak and predictions that the peak may still take one to two weeks to be reached to promote immunization, There will be five health centers in Zaragoza, offering afternoon services between 3:00 and 5:00 pm. These clinics are Actur Oeste, Valdespartera, Fuentes Norte, Sagasta and La Bombarda. In fact, yesterday afternoon, through the Salud Informa app, the agenda for the evening schedule of the first week (January 15-20) was launched in three of the regions: Fuentes Norte, José Ramón Muñoz Fernández (Sagasta) and Valdespartera. The idea is that, based on demand, each center manages and decides whether to extend the program.

According to the latest data provided by the district administration, as of January 7, the influenza vaccination coverage in the community was 56 per cent of the target population in the recommended age group. Among them, the proportion of people over 80 years old is the highest, 79.1%. Among Aragonese over 60 years old, this figure reaches 57.25%, and among children aged 6 to 59 months, it is 41.75%.

Public Health Director Nuria Gayán stressed the importance of this immunization on Thursday. “There is scientific evidence showing how “We may also be at a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease, after getting the flu.”he pointed out.

Judging from this panorama, Aragon cannot follow the footsteps of the five communities that have been able to lift the mandatory wearing of masks in hospitals and health centers since last Wednesday, as the rate of positive cases of the respiratory virus in these communities has increased for two consecutive days. Secondary descent: Andalusia, Basque Country, Cantabria, Extremadura and Canary Islands. This is not something that happens automatically. Each ministry of health will have to decide whether to simply recommend the use of masks in offices and hospitals or whether to maintain this obligation for some time.

Flu cases surge in first week of 2024, Americans keenly feeling social care centerand registered Up to eight influenza A outbreaksAccording to the Aragón Epidemiological Bulletin published on Thursday, the most common are in residences: 4 cases in the province of Zaragoza, 3 in the province of Teruel and 1 in Huesca.This is a number that has not been recorded so far this season Throughout December, only 1 case was reported. Apart from, COVID-19 outbreak also reported Six people were experiencing mild symptoms at a residence in Huesca.

Public hospitals treated 1,130 emergencies

Respiratory virus pressure remains intense in hospital emergencies. Public hospital centers will serve in the first 7 days of this year Influenza1,130, accounting for 10% of the total, 283 users were hospitalized. It must be remembered that the previous week there were 916 emergencies, accounting for 6.8% of the total, while three weeks ago, when the epidemic had not yet reached epidemic levels, there were 144.

The Royal Villanova Hospital in Zaragoza will focus its surgical activities on large outpatient surgeries, i.e. same-day discharges, starting next week in order to have more beds, in view of an increase in admissions due to the flu. One of the key points of the hospital. Minimum available.

Nonetheless, they received assurances from the health department “Except for some minor adjustments, all hospitals maintain surgical activities” like this. This was complemented by measures taken by Miguel Servet, who reorganized the space to prevent potentially infected patients from mixing into the surgical area.

The Aragonese government said the situation in emergency rooms was “under control” despite existing medical pressures. CSIF They clarified that there will be no live broadcasts on Thursday morning and Wednesday jSaturation waves and collapse waves Just like earlier this week, but they warned They will repeat themselves in the coming days and asked to anticipate “chaos that will repeat itself every year.”

Masks are not mandatory in pharmacies, but many pharmacy workers, as well as some customers, have taken them back.

Masks are not mandatory in pharmacies, but many pharmacy workers, as well as some customers, have taken them back.
Oliver Duch

“Many visitors are wearing masks inside the residence”

Although using mask inside Residential It’s not mandatory for tourists, but it is for workers, but “highly recommended”, This week, it became increasingly common among those visiting loved ones. “The fact is that people are aware that it is not difficult for family and friends to use masks again and some people have become accustomed to it. We all know that we live in a very vulnerable group and there are things that have to be learned. Aragon relies on Paquita Morata, manager of Arade, said:

Visitation system remains “normal”According to Morata. Families and relatives are asked to wear masks when coming to these facilities and not to visit if sick or showing symptoms.

At least in the Social and Health Center Eight influenza A outbreaks In the first week of the new 2024 release.Morata stressed that since almost all residents have been vaccinated “Most patients experience mild symptoms.” Unless the situation becomes complicated in older adults who already have other chronic medical conditions.

Morata expected Outbreaks in nursing homes will increase in coming weekswhen the consequences of prisoners leaving home for the Christmas holidays will be revealed.

In itself, Pharmacies are stocking up on masks due to increased demand. Pharmacist Pilar Labat gives an example: “Today – yesterday – I received an order for 800 surgeries, because until a week ago the use of these surgeries was still very serious.” In pharmacies, you will not be forced to wear them either, But there’s a lot of it behind the counter, and a good portion of customers join in, especially if they’re coming from a health center or looking for something to relieve the flu or the flu. cold.

Raquel García, director of the School of Pharmacists in Zaragoza, insists There is no “shortage”. As for the cost, there is a government-mandated maximum price for the surgery, and the increase in cost can be seen in the FFP.

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