Influenza in Soria: infection, evolution and advice

One of the functions of La Torre Hospital is to provide patients with information and health training, which is why we have created a new section in which the most common diseases and symptoms will be explained in a simple and clear way. in this case, influenza.

what is it? It is a viral disease, Caused by influenza virus.

How do I get infected? When do most people get the flu? They inhale air droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You can also get the virus by touching an object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

How did it evolve? It affects the respiratory tract and develops into outbreaks or waves. Symptoms appear within 24-72 hours; it usually coincides with hatching. There are four stages of influenza: 1- General non-specific symptoms, poor general condition, joint and muscle pain. 2- High fever is usually present. 3- Cough, mucus and phlegm. 4- Recovery, symptoms begin to lessen.

How can I prevent the flu? When you cough, cover your mouth. Use a paper towel for this and throw it in the trash. If not, sneeze into your sleeve. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands. Wash your hands often with soap and water for 15 to 20 seconds. Do not share personal hygiene products. Ventilate the house every day. Clean commonly used surfaces and objects. Drink plenty of fluids.

When should I see a doctor? If you have asthma, a hard-to-treat fever, or excessive fatigue, It is recommended to see your GP as soon as possible for an assessment.

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