Influenza vaccination campaign starts at Porto Velho 2nd Fair (13) | Rondônia

The vaccination campaign against influenza will start on November 13 in Porto Velho — Photo: Ricardo Custódio/EPTV

The vaccination campaign against influenza started at the second fair in Porto Velho (13), initially focusing on priority groups. The Ministry of Health has an event scheduled for December 15.

Depending on the capital budget, the strategy used to deliver the campaign will vary, focusing on the needs of each region. Taking into account seasonal differences in influenza during cold periods, the campaign will be launched first in northern regions entering the Amazon winter.

All health units in the city will provide services from 8 am. Public engagement for the event consists of:

  • Children 6 months to under 6 years old (5 years, 11 months, 29 days);
  • health workers in public and private services;
  • Pregnant women;
  • puerperium;
  • Professor of both basic and higher education courses;
  • indigenous peoples;
  • Idosos com 60 anos ou mais de idade;
  • street people;
  • Professionals of security and rescue forces;
  • Armed Forces Professionals;
  • People with chronic illnesses are not likely to be infected, nor are other special clinical conditions associated with that person.

Interested parties must go to a medical institution to collect their CPF and SUS cards. Registration of doses will be completed in the National Health Data Network (RNDS) and made available to residents in the Conecte-SUS municipality’s national digital vaccination card.

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