Insurance benefits for medical guidance – Diario de Centro América

this National Disaster Reduction Coordinator (Conrad) informed that shelters and humanitarian assistance are ready, if necessary, to assist the population affected by the rains, which may increase in the coming days.

The Conrad Commission met yesterday to analyze the situation on the national territory.

Regarding this situation, suggestion The eighth extraordinary meeting of the above-mentioned entities was held yesterday, during which an institutional red alert was declared due to the occurrence of a precipitation phenomenon in the territory of the country, the impact of which boydrought and hydrometeorological events.

Courtesy: Conrad

It is understood that aid has arrived in many departments of the country, but heavy rains have caused some damage.

this Conrad reveals its active function National Response Plan, These include the management of food, water, sanitation and hygiene. In addition, there is sanitation and transportation, the purpose of which is to deliver supplies.


In the case of the Minister, Defense, Henry Reyes,emphasize army It can be used nationwide to facilitate necessary donations.

“193 trucks, 16 planes and 26 boats are ready. In the next few hours, the first 3 vehicles will set off with food, hygiene items and blankets for Santa Cruz Bariras and Wayne Affected families in Nantong, Huetenango province. the official pointed out.

Affected families are supported with the involvement of National Civil Police and Guatemalan Army personnel.Courtesy: Conrad

In addition, the authorities Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (wizard) shows that due to the phenomenon boyClimate change affects periods of extreme dryness or lack of precipitation, and the ministry monitors crops across the country.

“We are well prepared to serve farmers as needs arise,” MAGA Vice President César Arreaga confirms this.

weather forecast

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, in the next 8 days, a wave from the east is expected to enter, which will favor rainfall in the country, especially in the afternoon and at night. National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (Insivumeh).

The aforementioned entities have announced that several jurisdictions may be affected by rainfall from August to November this year.s. “We have identified 48 cities as very high risk, 117 cities as high risk, 70 cities as medium risk and 105 cities as low risk”he concluded.

Settlement area assessment

this Conrad According to reports, regarding the landslide that occurred 17.5 kilometers south of CA-9, it has been contacted with Xinzhen City Corresponding assessments have also been carried out since the incident.

According to the authorities, these structures and hydraulic systems under the road network allow the Platanitos River to pass through, which could cause the river to collapse due to its continued flooding.

As in this and previous cases, the study will take several days, so reports will be referred to territorial and institutional authorities as soon as they are received, officials said.

Josselinne Santizo Photographer: Mariano Macz

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