(INTEGRALE DU 30 SEPTEMBRE) The phenomenon of fines for epiceriums

Laurent Marriott is inspired by the bons vivants for the authoritative expression of everyday cuisine: chefs, artists or intellectuals have a common passion for good food and 1 hour 30 minutes with the auditors of Europe 1. Gourmand promenades à tras les Marches et chez les Producteurs, simple recipes and tips for to the concerns of auditors… Le Rendez-Vous Incontournable des Gourmands!

For seasonal products and recommendations, Laurent Marriott and these lovers of life are present in the sixth season of La table des bon vivants! A message to help you eat healthy and understand what you eat.

This week, Laurent Mariotte is surrounded by Nathalie George, chef 6, and Emmanuel Rubin, the food critic you spotted at Le Figaro.

This week Laurent Marriott and the chroniclers tell the story of the week. There’s a splash page on the tasting menu this week, here in the restaurant, at the kitchen table, in the restaurant, where you can taste the blend. A reason to discover new investors or new addresses, both from heartbreaks and from heartbreaks. This week Natalie George tells us how she made Armoricain sauce. Emmanuel Rubin has joined Parisian bistro Les Griffes for Boeuf Wellington. And Laurent Marriott talks about saveurs du Périgord, such as our fresh produce, canned ducks or the restaurant Les Singuliers du by chef Louis Fest in Saint-Astier.

This is also an opportunity for you, the Europe 1 auditors, to tell us about your tastes this week. If you want to take part, you have two solutions: by contacting Europe 1 on 01 80 20 39 21 (toll-free number) or on the Facebook page in the issue “Laurent Marriott, group of European bon vivants 1”. An auditor will be selected every week.

In the second part of the issue, Laurent Mariotte takes you on a march, just like this week: another march, partly in France. Ask me: will the car arrive at this time? The answer in Eastern France: Melina Faccine on Place Broglie in Strasbourg.

Three files for this week’s price! The Prime Minister indulges in fine dining. Laurent Marriott and their chroniclers Nathalie George and Emmanuel Rubin search for the beautiful epics of the future. Emmanuel Rubin tells us about a generation of fine confectionery as La grande épicerie de Paris celebrated its 100th anniversary.

In the second dossier, Laurent Marriott and his assistants are interested in poisson douce. Ils se demanding s’ils valence le goût. Laurent Marriott is looking for one of two professional bathers at Lake Annecy. And chef Christophe Hay of Fleur de Loire à Blois tells us about his love for the fish of the Loire… His signature dish is carp a la Chambord.

Last week’s file: Can you make vegetable recipes in a restaurant? The details above are provided by food journalist Emmanuelle Jarry, the author of the video. There is something better when there is something good!

Just like in this episode, the team at the bon vivants table will continue to play with you. Laurent Marriott, you will find a son connected with the kitchen… to open it.

This week the workday is over. Today the head chef of the Bistrot des Tournelles in Paris is Geoffroy Langella, who presents the table. He is 34 years old, boucher/butcher/trater, cuisine in the spirit of Provence at our invitation Emmanuel Jarry. Il aime faire plaisir with juices and sauces for these dishes. I prepared a Provençal dish using a family recipe that is over 20 years old. The recipe is again on Europe1.fr.

Tasting organic Beaujolais from Domaine Thillardon in Chene.

And Natalie George’s chronicle tells us how the great mother passed on her passion for the kitchen.

At the end of the episode, Laurent Marriott hands over the Bons vivants grill to gastronomic journalist Emmanuelle Gary. Answering Laurent Mariotte’s questions will help me understand the other side of the buffet table. Where did you spend your childhood? What do you always find in your refrigerator? Is this your secret address? What is the motive for the accusation? Here are some questions asked by Laurent Mariotte. Discovering that Emmanuelle Jarry has a passion for cheese.


Laurent Marriott – entourage of Bons vivants: Nathalie George and Emmanuel Rubin.

Notre invited: journalist Emmanuelle Zhary

> Sa-review It’s better when a good No. 2 comes out!

> The book “It’s Better When It’s Tasty – A Book of Recipes” was published by Hachette.



Les goûts de la semaine

  • Laurent Marriott: goût du Perigord with noix fraîche de chez Lucette A la A LA NOIX PATIENTE, Valerie and Denis’s duck preservation and Les Singuliers restaurant by chef Louis Fest in Saint-Astier.

A la noix patiente


  • Natalie George: Armikain sauce
  • Emmanuel Rubin: un Boeuf Wellington au Bistrot Les Griffes à Paris


  • Emmanuel Zhary: Lebanese restaurant Eats Thyme in Paris


> You can also tell us what you learned about the week by calling Europe Correspondent 1 on 01 80 20 39 21 (no number provided).

Micro-sidewalks of the week

Did the car really arrive on time? Report with Europe 1 correspondent in Eastern France Melina Faction on Place Broglie in Strasbourg.

Relevance of the week

– Le Grand Parisien et La Revue du vin de France organizes the main wine competition of the Ile-de-France in partnership with Europe 1.

Dossier de la Semeine

– Is this the end of epiceriums in the future?

> Emmanuel Rubin’s chronicle of the history of exquisite epic pieces

> 100 years of the Grande épicerie de Paris: Joyeux anniversary!

Institutions in the provinces:

There are many institutions in France.

> Maison Arostéguy in Biarritz, built in 1875, many French factories still in operation.

> Maison Gosselin in Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, built in 1889.

> Maison Reignier au Mans depuis, 1885.

Tasting: Pot’Vlees – La Conserverie Saint Christophe / Zaatar – Terre Exotique / Crème de Marrons – Angelina

– Should you drink sweet water?

Report by Laurent Mariotte over one of the two previous fishermen on Lake Annecy: Florent Capretti.

With Chef Christophe Hay, “Fleur de Loire in Blois” (Loir et Cher)

– Le vegétal peut-il faire Recette Au Restaurant?

Plateau du Jour

Provençal daub by chef Geoffroy LANGELLE, head chef of the Bistro de Tournelle, at 4e in Paris.


Wine of the day

Organic wine Domaine Thillardon à Chenas – Beaujolais


Tasting on verra from the Chef&Sommelier Reveal’Up collection


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