International day of left-handers 13 August.

It is celebrated today, like everyone else. August 13, International Day of Leftiesa special event that is celebrated all over the world and the purpose of which is to increase awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of left-handedness. In addition, this event also serves to eradicate an ancient cultural heritage that for many centuries considered the use of the left hand to be a wrong vice that needs to be corrected.

International Day of Lefties: History

Founded in 1992 by the Left Handers Club, International Day of Lefties is a worldwide event that for many years had a specific goal: to raise awareness amongpublic opinion about the problems that left-handers have faced for centuries (and still face).

Lefties Club is an English association that has long been involved in preserving the memory of all those people who mainly used the left hand and for many years were even insulted and forced to use the right hand by force.

At present, fortunately, in most countries of the world this is something old and outdated, but still very relevant. remember how lefties were treated.

International Day of Lefties

Today it is believed that in the world people who use predominantly the left hand, 10.6%. Among them there are very famous artists such as Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Nicole Kidman, Paul McCartney, Noel Gallagher. They, for example, celebrate and celebrate the International Day of Lefties.

International Left-Handed Day: The most famous Milanese

Without going far and staying in Italy, or rather in Milan, we see that no less famous left-handers come from the Lombard capital. Just to give a few examples: rapper Fedes or musician Marco Castoldi in art Morgan.

If, on the other hand, we expand our view, we will notice that there were gods in history. real geniuses who mainly used the left hand. Who are we talking about? Not less than Leonardo da Vinci, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Mozart, Albert Einstein, Van Gogh and Marie Curie.

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