‘Intranasal’ vaccine protects children from flu

Castilla-La Mancha purchased more than 38,200 doses of flu vaccine for children aged 2 to 5

All health centers, clinics and hospitals in Castilla-La Mancha, from Alcadoso (Albacete) to Villanueva de los Infantes (Citadel Real), will be vaccinated against intranasal flu this autumn, and the health The service (Sescam) is designed to protect children aged 24 months and 59 months. The goal is to reach 75% of the target population.

‘Intranasal’ vaccine protects children from flu
Image: Spanish Academy of Pediatrics.
  • In Spain, there is only one attenuated intranasal influenza vaccine for children aged 24 to 59 months, Fluenz Tetra, marketed exclusively by AstraZeneca..

Here’s what pediatricians have historically claimed

Therefore, the Castilla-La Mancha Vaccine Advisory Group recommends intranasal influenza vaccination for children between 24 and 59 months of age.

It is worth remembering that the Spanish Pediatric Association, in particular its Vaccine Advisory Committee, believes that the intranasal influenza vaccine reduces the risk of serious group A streptococcal infections.

It should also be considered that, since 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that children aged 6 to 59 months be prioritized for influenza vaccination.

In addition, according to the Spanish Pediatric Association, the proportion of children affected during the annual influenza epidemic is generally between 5% and 35%, while in closed populations such as school environments, it exceeds 50%.

Pediatricians have maintained for some time that “influenza vaccination for children over 6 months of age who are not in high-risk groups is a recommended preventive measure because it provides the child with personal protection and promotes the protection of families and communities.”

teens and pregnant women

For childhood and adolescence, pediatricians recommend the flu vaccine:

  • All children ages 6 to 59 months.
  • High-risk groups: People older than 6 months, who have certain conditions or underlying medical conditions that increase the risk of complications from the flu.
  • A 6-month-old living with a high-risk patient.
  • A person over 6 months lives with a child under 6 months.
  • All healthcare professionals.
  • At any point during pregnancy, a pregnant woman is protecting herself and her future child.

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