Iron Man and the Marvel Universe? According to a famous producer, he was successful because of Tim Burton’s Batman. Cinema

Renowned producer of films like Michael Uslan Templar’s Secret, clown and a long list of movies and cartoons batman Warner explained that, according to him, the success of iron Man and all marvel cinematic universe This is mainly due to what has been done Tim Burton The first of his two films is dedicated to Gotham Warriors (where he served as a producer).

Speaking to Traversing the Stars he said:

It was Tim Burton’s Batman that turned the tide. It was the brilliant idea of ​​the movie that not only made Batman a success, but paved the way for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tim told me, “Michael, if we’re going to make the first serious, dark comic book superhero movie, it can’t just be about Batman.”, That moment was the most disappointing moment of my entire existence. then he explained to me “This movie should be about Bruce Wayne. We have to make Bruce Wayne so determined, so obsessive to the point of psychopathy, that audiences around the world, even people who’ve never read a comic book, can say, ‘Oh yeah, I think this is a guy who’s going to dress up as the Bat, and go out and fight someone who looks like the Joker.’, His result was then related to the fact that Gotham City should have the third most important character. Literally from the very first scenes. We had to make Gotham City believable to the audience so that they could believe in Batman and the Joker as well. Tim was absolutely right. Watch Marvel movies. Stan (Lee) admitted it to me and I’m sure Kevin Feige would agree: The Iron Man movies, I love them, should be called Tony Stark. The Spider-Man movies should be named Peter Parker. So it’s an idea that worked and brought comics into the global contemporary world.

Michael Uslan also produced the Matt Reeves Cinécomic The Batman starring Robert Pattinson.

Robert Downey Jr. and the problems with naming DC characters

While on the subject, during Oppenheimer’s press promotion, Robert Downey Jr. explained – in an apparently sarcastic way – that he has trouble pronouncing the names of DC Comics superheroes. And he did so by “blaming” Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige:

I have a problem talking about DC characters. I don’t know why or whether I was programmed like this, but once I found myself in a room with lots of flashing lights. It’s a long story, thanks Kevin.

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Source: Tracing the Stars Through Comic Books,

Insight into Marvel Studios

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