Is this a scam?The Nile turns red like in biblical legend

red nile
Many media outlets reported that the Nile awoke with an unusual appearance, being completely dyed red. What is true? Source: Social Network.
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It’s not common to see red rivers; But if we borrow from biblical phenomena, people can only be afraid. This is what is said to be happening on the Nile these days, According to the picture that went viral on social networks. Let’s analyze this strange incident.

According to the Bible, the Nile turned to blood as part of God’s punishment for the plague

For those who don’t remember, the Bible book of Exodus, specifically chapter 7 verse 21, tells us when the Nile was dyed red. Moses struck the water with his rod, and the water turned into blood, leaving the locals with nowhere to drink. Moisturize. From then on, the seven plagues came.

“The fish in the river are dead and the water is corrupt. So much so that the Egyptians could not drink it. The land of Egypt was filled with blood. “

Bible. Chapter 7, Section 21.

and This is exactly what happened recently on the Nile, Africa’s longest river.. Many sources on social networks and media reported that the river had been dyed red, which brought ominous omens to many people.

A scientific explanation for these striking colors

But this is not the case because This color changefar from divine punishment, It has a purely scientific basis. The periodic color changes in rivers are commonly known as “red tides.” YesThis is due to blooms of red algaeEspecially due to the presence of two groups of microalgae: diatoms and dinoflagellates.

These algae contain pigments that, in higher concentrations, give the water a red color.

In fact, “red tide” is a natural phenomenon. Significant increases in several pigment-containing marine microorganisms, especially algaesuch as chlorophyll or fucoxanthin.

Red tide is actually more than just red

Oddly enough, although it is called that, the Nile is actually Can be dyed in many colors besides red, such as brown, green or even purple, Depends on the species of algae present.

Depending on the type of algae, the color can vary: in addition to red, it is also common for the water to be stained brown or green.

Although generally speaking While these algal blooms are harmless, some can release harmful toxins into the waterwhat this means for marine life, fish and other marine life are dying in large numbers.

Effects on human health and fauna

This flower can be harmful to humans.In some cases, it produces vapor that diffuses into the air They can cause respiratory illness. Although we insist that This is not the case with the Nilebecause the algae does not release any toxins that are harmful to health.

these algae They are part of phytoplankton, the main food of the ocean, as many species feed on phytoplankton. The main problem is that this type of organism They contain toxins that accumulate in shellfishwhich in turn poison the animals that eat them.

Scams spread through social networks

Despite the uproar, the video we’re showing here and that has gone viral doesn’t do justice to the Nile. These photos were taken in Chile’s stunning Red Lagoon, located in the commune of Camaroneslocated in the regions of Arica and Parinacota.

The deep red color of the lagoon is caused by the presence of sediment and microalgae. Chlamydomonas. Furthermore, its surface temperature is estimated to vary between 40°C and 50°C.

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