Is your skin itchy?Learn what medical conditions you may have

Itching and an urgent need to scratch the skin are annoying symptoms that people can feel.

While it’s normal to feel itchy, if itchiness persists, it can become annoying and may even be a sign of a health problem, such as allergies, skin conditions, parasites, etc.

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“Itching is normal for all of us (…) and sometimes a piece of clothing can irritate us and make us itchy,” says Dr. Ross PerryHe also explained that there are other factors that can cause itching.

Doctors have revealed to The Sun the illnesses you may be suffering from depending on where the itchiness is on your body.

Itching (free images)

Itchy feet

If your feet are itchy, possibly due to a problem such as eczema, contact dermatitis, or scabies, see your doctor to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Additionally, itchy feet may be a sign of dry skin, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, or athlete’s foot.

Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a fungal infection of the skin that usually starts between the toes and usually occurs in people whose feet sweat a lot, according to the Mayo Clinic. Because the infection is contagious, it is recommended to see a doctor if you experience symptoms such as scaly skin, burning, blistering, and itching.

Itchy head

If your head is itchy, it could be due to dandruff, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or the presence of lice. Likewise, those who don’t rinse their hair well may experience itching from shampoo or conditioner.

The most severe forms of scalp itchiness are caused by lice and can be treated with over-the-counter chemical lotions.

If you have dandruff, you can still improve it with the right shampoo. However, people with psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis should see a doctor to recommend appropriate treatment.

Itchy head (photo)

Itching of the genitals

If your genitals are itchy, you need immediate medical attention, as this itching can be caused by irritants, bacterial infections, fungi, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), diabetes, psoriasis, menopause, and even cancer.

“At some point, most women will experience vaginal itching, which can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most important is simple irritation caused by clothing, soaps and body washes,” stresses the expert.

When itching persists, for both men and women, the main advice is to see your doctor for a checkup to detect an infection that may require medical treatment.

Itchy butt

When a person’s anus becomes itchy, it could be a warning sign of constipation, hemorrhoids, worms, diabetes, kidney failure, and hyperthyroidism; or it could simply not be cleaned properly.

Doctors explain that anal itching usually does not require medical attention, but if it is persistent and unbearable, or is accompanied by symptoms of bleeding or infection, it should be cause for immediate concern.

Itchy face

Perhaps one of the most common forms of itching is on the face, which can be caused by environmental factors or issues such as dry skin, skin conditions, aging, and bites.

For dry skin, “a good moisturizer will usually do the trick.” However, doctors explain that in conditions like eczema and psoriasis, both of which can cause extreme and uncomfortable itching, it’s necessary to use specific ointment.

Itchy face (picture)

Itchy tongue

An itchy tongue can be one of the most difficult types of itches to treat, and Dr. Pell says it can be caused by smoking, mouth sores or allergies.

“To prevent an itchy tongue, watch your diet and maintain good oral hygiene, remembering to clean your tongue and teeth,” Peel advises.

Itchy breasts

Itchy breasts can also be caused by different things, such as the bra you wear; skin problems like eczema or psoriasis; or even breast cancer.

Dr. Pell warns: “Sometimes itchy breasts can be a sign of breast cancer and are often accompanied by some redness, tenderness and possible rash.”

Itchy nose

One of the most common itchinesses in the spring due to seasonal allergies is in the nose. But this is not the only cause of itching, as it can also be caused by a cold, sinusitis, or a tumor.

In the worst case, with an itchy nose, there may be Nasal tumors It can be cancerous or non-cancerous.

“This condition is rare and is usually accompanied by loss of smell, congestion and ulceration. If you have persistent nasal itching, see your GP,” Dr Pell concluded.

This article It is intended to provide information, not medical advice or solutions..

Always consult your doctor or specialist if you have questions about your health or before starting treatment.

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