Israel-Palestine News: Hezbollah leaders Hassan Nasrallah, Hamas

In Lebanon, Hezbollah is led by Hassan Nasrallah, Hamas in Israel 7 times. Nasrallah’s konuşma yapacağı 5 years ago today.

Nasrallah: “It may be possible for Hitler to attack” after he led Hamas on 7 Ikem and Al-Aqsa flood to release 100 Palestinians.

Nasrallah”7 The Kassam Tugaylarının yaptığı ve (Filistinli) direnişin devam ettirdiği kutsal Operation Yüzde 100 Filistinliydi. ılı hale getirdi” dedi.

Hezbollah has issued “directives” to target Iran’s leaders and target them through other military operations, which are “unenforceable.”

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