Israeli actress Gal Gadot deleted a solidarity post after the attacks she suffered

The attacks on those who show solidarity with all the innocent victims, both Israelis and Palestinians, continue unabated. After people like Moni Ovadia and Elena Basile were caught up in the media storm, now it’s Gal Gadot’s turn. The Israeli actress and model, Miss Israel in 2004, became a bona fide international celebrity after playing Wonder Woman, DC Comics’ first female superhero. Back on Saturday, October 7, Gal Gadot wrote on Instagram: “I stand with Israel, you should too” (1). And again on the same social network, he wrote: “The world cannot stand by when such horrific terrorist acts are committed” (2). However, recently, after various posts in which he painfully remembered the victims of Hamas terrorist attacks, he published a story on his Instagram account that read:

“The killing of innocent Palestinians is terrible. The killing of innocent Israelis is horrific. If you don’t feel the same way, ask yourself why.” (3)

Nothing scandalous, in fact, the Israeli actress simply expressed her solidarity with all the innocent victims of this conflict, be they Israelis or Palestinians. However, it appears that many people cannot feel solidarity even with the innocent Palestinian victims. In fact, for this post, Gal Gadot began to receive insults of all kinds and degrees, and some commentators even went so far as to define her as a dangerous anti-Semitic traitor. Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which is progressive in nature, reported how various local celebrities attacked the actress, in short, a veritable “witch hunt” against those who were simply expressing grievances against innocent Palestinian victims, rather than Hamas. Ofira Asayag, a famous commentator and TV presenter, even wrote to her: “sit down and be silent” (4). Given the current situation, Gal Gadot was forced to delete the post, and then Ofira Asayag commented: “Well done. I have refrained from answering you several times because you are worried about your income and career. But this time you crossed the line.” (5) At this moment, the actress, almost to reassure the commentator, wrote to her: “Ophira, my love, forgive me if my words were not understood as they were, I meant. All I want is to speak for Israel in the world and show global support in the face of our critics. I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that Israel’s protest is heard everywhere. My heart is bleeding, and I am beside myself with pain from what is happening” (6).

In short, in the context of the witch hunt, the actress chose to leave it so as not to risk her career, and, frankly, it would be unfair to judge her. However, in the past few hours, the actress has signed a mega-appeal from 700 pro-Israel American film and television stars. The appeal, published across all US newspapers, was created by the non-profit organization Creative Community for Peace and signed by Chris Pine and Mark Hamill, among others. However, taking a clear position against Hamas and signing the appeal was not enough to prevent Gal Gadot from getting caught in the media storm, since she simply, I want to emphasize, also sympathized with the innocent Palestinian victims.

In my opinion, all this shows how the conflict has radicalized over the years, causing the growth of enormous hatred on both sides, so international diplomacy must seriously commit to a ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors at the end of the war. , the conflict must realize a two-state solution because, as the UN proposes, this is the only solution capable of guaranteeing lasting peace. Perhaps only in this way and after a long time can the internal hatred between the two sides dissolve, avoiding escalation or the emergence of an even more bloody and destructive conflict.

Sources: woman-delete message/7322210/;

(1) Quote:

(2) Ibid.

(3) Quote: author -wonder-woman-will-delete-post/7322210/

(4) Quote:

(5) Ibid.

(6) Ibid.

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