Israeli media: Hamas dictates its terms in prisoner deal and army failure is greater than expected News

The Israeli media has increasingly covered the issue of prisoners in the Gaza Strip and what the occupation army has achieved in its ground operations in the Strip, as a former reserve general expected the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas) dictated its conditions regarding the planned agreement on prisoners, while one political analyst believes that the army’s failure turned out to be greater than expected.

Channel 12 quoted Reserve General Mehran Brozanvir, economic advisor to the former chief of staff, as saying he was not sure Hamas head in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, was under pressure, as some try to portray, adding that if there is an agreement, it will be planned. For her: “I fear that he is the one who dictates his conditions to us.”

He stressed that the army must double the pressure on Hamas and start an attack towards the south, as he believes that Hamas has not been defeated, adding: “If we give Sinwar the chance to dictate his conditions in the first agreement, we will have a lot ahead of us we (..) We are faced with a difficult issue, and it is not at all easy.” Especially since we are dealing with an organization that will not hesitate to kill those who kidnapped us.”

Meanwhile, Channel 14 quoted him as saying that there is a large information gap regarding “kidnapped people and those who arrest them” and that while Hamas is making the first deal on a number of detainees, it is not just thinking about that. , but also think about the next deal, and this means giving her the opportunity to regain her strength.

In the same context, Adi Karmi – a former senior employee of the Israeli Internal Security Service (Shin Bet) – said that anyone who thinks that Hamas will soften its positions or move towards a political solution if we do not start the battle is wrong, stressing that Negotiations with Hamas to complete the Gilad Shalit deal lasted 5 years, years of “manipulation and psychological tricks,” as he said.

For his part, political analyst Yotam Zimri sharply criticized the Israeli occupation army and said in an interview with Channel 14 that the issue does not stop at the serious intelligence failure related to the assessment of the enemy’s capabilities, but rather it was gradually discovered that there was a major failure regarding the army’s capabilities and qualifications.

Like him, the former head of the operational department, Reserve General Giora Eiland, believes that the army has not yet managed to neutralize the Gaza tunnels, adding: “As long as there are hundreds and maybe more of saboteurs, and as long as there is combat equipment underground, this is a challenge that must be faced. “Find a way to overcome it.”

Another speaker believes that the goal of eliminating Hamas’s military force will not be achieved without dismantling “lower Gaza”, referring to the tunnels, and added: “Certainly, we do not want to get to a direct confrontation between a Hamas fighter IDF and an elite terrorist face to face inside the tunnel.” According to his expression.

Meanwhile, military correspondent Alon Ben David believes his country will be a country at war for months, and perhaps years, to come.

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