ISSSTE from bad to “worse”

Published Notes: 2023-08-06

+ “They watered the spill”

+ impunity and brewhouses

+ What did the victim do?

+ from bad to “pior” in ISSSTE

+ They are unhealthy punishments!

By Martin Romo (The Executioner)

“They watered the spill”Notably, this year marks the ninth anniversary of the Sonora River toxic spill. The accident at the Buenavista del Cobre mine of the Mexican group, was directed at different authorities, but mainly the federal ones, because they have not fully remedied the accidents caused in different areas since it happened on August 6, 2014. each damage.

Because in addition to the environmental pollution that caused 40,000 cubic meters of sulfuric acid to leak from the mining emporium of the aforementioned tycoon Germaine Larrea and into the Bacanucci and Sonora rivers, now is the time to pay for the more than two dozen affected mountain cities. Residents helped out. Even drinking water cannot be guaranteed, nor can optimal medical care be guaranteed. Ouch!

At first, the victims were “calmed” by providing financial compensation through a 2 billion peso trust fund set up for the purpose, funded by the Mexican group on a federal order, to partially compensate for the losses, but at the time it did not even provide them with a water treatment plant and build a hospital Clinic.

This is why people are still demanding justice for the more than 20,000 people affected by this irrationality as their lives are changed day by day in what is considered to be the “worst” ecological tragedy in the world . The mining industry, as they have recently been organized through the Sonora Basin Commission, has not achieved much. take it!

If one takes into account that the arrival of the so-called fourth transformation of the current government headed by “President” Manuel López Obrador, the revolution has not done them justice, even at this point, or when it actually happened. While it’s out, just work on the sanitation of water supplies so they have access to uncontaminated vital fluids. that hair!

Just to show that the most basic button like providing good quality water for human consumption that’s almost two decades after the pollutant spill they couldn’t comply and he talked about the negligence as they’ve been decrying, can’t be overstated, Not believable because they don’t have the basics. No?

But regardless of the presence and presence of groups like the Sonora River Basin Commission, which, by the way, held a festival-like event in the capital’s Madero Park over the weekend to commemorate that disaster, there’s still certainly nothing in that regard echo. , despite the fact that they have recently promised that these demands will be included in the Carnanian justice plan. aha!

It was therefore believed that this impunity allowed Germán to do so, regardless of the number of lawsuits filed against Germán by the Federal Environmental Protection Prosecutor (Profepa) and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semanat) at the time. But in the end they got nowhere, because Mr. Dinero’s power prevailed as always, so they continued to water it with that overflow.

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impunity and beer housesYet another case related to impunity, or where everything went on and nothing happened, was the tragic July 22 fire at the Rio Brasserie bar in St. ’ And the expelled man returned and set fire to the Kangal, killing 12 and injuring six. Vote for them!

In any case, the same city officials under the command of San Luis Mayor Gonzalo Yescas admitted that the burned-out buildings were operating without the appropriate permits because they were missed; as Like the director of the National Alcohol Administration, Cristina Caballero de la Rosa, the truth is that, to this day, they have not taken action against him despite evidence of his laziness and negligent behavior.

From this it can be deduced that the impeachment petitions of Santos Gonzalez Yezcas and some of his aides such as civil “lack of protection” and urban “underdevelopment” holders will only be so, even when they are in Called a press conference to admit their defeat because they ignored the beer hall not getting consent because they didn’t even check it out. Wow!

However, the State Attorney General’s Office, Gustavo Salas Chavez, has stated: “We are analyzing the entire flow of information that we need and that we are collecting to determine whether there are omissions in the regulatory administrative framework, any These omissions, individuals or anyone else, will be punished” when it is something clearer than water. at the lowest limit!

From this it can be deduced that everything will stop at the level of apprehending the person responsible, Jose Luis Limon Espinosa, who has already committed a count of qualified homicide, attempted murder and intentional injury with a suspect related to the program. Arson incident, he had to be transferred to another prison to keep himself safe, and the brewery didn’t even have an emergency door and other violations.

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What will the victim do?As for those who evade responsibility, there is also the incident of Nathan Karim, a well-known Kaffir who crushed a family in the Cuauhtémoc neighborhood on March 5 this year and escaped, seriously injuring Brenda and her daughter Ximena, as well as his nephew Favre, as he is now seeking political justice in the U.S. following his June 16 arrest in Tucson. shelter.

So five months after he fled as a coward, the young man from Hermosillo is still searching for a way not to face the consequences of his actions, after “flaking” in neighboring Arizona, in Arrested there, they are processing with the aim of being deported, but now he is advocating that they grant him asylum status, allegedly because his life would be in danger if he returned to Hermosillo. yes?

Jesús Emmanuel Tapia, Simena’s father and Brenda’s husband, has warned that Nathan Karim’s behavior makes him It’s pretty much pointless to ever get more forgiveness from your family. They demand accountability to judicial authorities and demand compensation for the damage and how it changed their lives. To that extent!

Not without reason, Tapia pointed out: “His cowardice made us more and more angry, if he had stayed, the situation would have been very different, but we saw that he was an evil boy who didn’t want to face the consequences (… ) No, he doesn’t want anything, and we can’t help him that way” because the way he behaves on the “other side” makes extradition very difficult for him. stick!

In this case, that’s why Jesús Emmanuel affirms that the statements he made are baseless and that his integrity will be threatened, he clarified that they never threatened him or his relatives, Before that he said: “I don’t think the only thing they’re going to do is delay further, but in the end they’re going to have to face the consequences in Mexico.” Suck it up!

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ISSSTE from bad to “worse”There is no shortage of hospital “Dr.” Because now, they will have no “light” for about an hour due to the so-called external “blackout”, which is causing patients and their families to face extreme heat, said Fernando Ocaranza of the ISSSTE in Hermosillo. , because this power plant “miracle” counts only for life support equipment. Are you OK!

The reason is that “China and Chotas” did not wait for the bureaucratic operators of the National Institute for Worker Safety and Social Services (Issste), after the classics, through a brief statement of the “social distancing” department “will wash” their hands”, ensuring the problem Caused by external power supply. That’s what they say!

Was it a “blackout” that again revealed their identities as it indicated that they did not have an emergency electrical system causing their activities to be suspended and only those areas that were connected to the machines that the patients depended on were able to work, so this is their potential hazards. grunt!

Well, from the point of view of the medical and administrative deputies Sergio Milano Secera and Juan Ramirez Espinosa, it is clear that this hospital has no drinking water service, which also shows this. Yes, they didn’t even have enough money to wash their hands in the toilet, so their turnover was down at that time, and they didn’t bother to give an explanation. Nakas!

This reflects the already existing cause of desperation and annoyance among the right-holders of this old third-rate hospital of a federal nature, as there is no longer even the most urgent care, let alone medicines and first-rate care, and it was before that when the elevator They also had to call the fire brigade in the event of a breakdown to free the “apupchi” prisoners and those who died under the stairs. Ouch!

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They are unhealthy punishments!Continuing to give the bad rating is the Sonora prison and the evidence is that out of a total of 57 tests done by the State Secretariat of Health they have now detected 30 cases of Hepatitis C at Cereso Hermosillo II which shows that this is in the prison community Infection incidence, and apparently due to lack of prophylaxis. So impressed!

Then there’s the unhealthy “red light” that the City of the Sun has on a day of disease testing among deprived populations, and is greatly affected by prison overcrowding due to the way inmates are piled up in most physical prisons because they capacity has been exceeded for some time. It’s gotten to that point!

Although according to Manual of Standardized Procedures for Epidemiological Surveillance of Viral Hepatitis, HCV cases may emerge invisibly, in other cases it can be fatal, which is why it is necessary to check the population of those prisons, That way you can imagine what other prisons would be like. This is the risk!

In this way, the insecurity that already exists in these prisons is now added to the health problems, if someone analyzes that a fact that they have not disclosed so far has to do with the inmates they suffer. AIDS, tuberculosis, and other more contagious diseases are deadlier, which is why misgivings remain about them. No more and no less!

It is in this case that they are limited to revealing the cumulative number of 141 infected people in the year related to this situation, which corresponds to 70 infected people in the same period, but from 2022, the reason for the triggering of the infection event, Apparently beyond the control of the Ceresos coordinator Nicolino Giuseppe Cangiamilla, even with the support of his “experts” in this matter.

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