It will make you live longer, according to Harvard University

it is one of the food essential in spanish cuisine. We use it in various forms: for sautefor skirtsave or simply serve with bread as a dip. If we leave the kitchen, it is also a Good ally in skin and hair care.Its use dates back to ancient times, and it was also used as Fuel, degreaser and religious symbols.

we are talking Extra virgin olive oilOil national sect Our most valuable at home and abroad.Its benefits are well known, but now famous harvard university A study conducted confirmed that using it instead of other fats such as margarine can Reduced risk of death.

A study by Harvard University

A sample from nearly thirty years 92,000 men and women in the United States And their diet was analyzed.Experts found that people who consumed more than half a tablespoon of olive oil per day 28% less chance risk of dying from dementia.

According to the results, people who regularly used olive oil in place of animal or processed fats tend to have healthier eating habits, Generally speaking.

Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

he Extra virgin olive oil it is the most common type of olive oil high quality, Obtained entirely by mechanical process, without any form of refinement or add chemical product.

Known for its many health benefits, this oil is an essential building block for good health. mediterranean diet. Here we explain some of them:

improve cardiovascular health

Extra virgin olive oil, due to its natural fat type, has been linked to lowering LDL cholesterol (“bad” cholesterol) and improving lipid profiles in the blood. Therefore, consumption of such oils can help prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Helps prevent chronic diseases.

Due to its antioxidant properties, extra virgin olive oil may help prevent oxidative stress, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as certain types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Contains anti-inflammatory properties

Contains natural antioxidants such as polyphenols and vitamin E, which are anti-inflammatory. These compounds can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can benefit overall health.

good for the digestive system

This oil may have a protective effect on the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to reduce the risk of ulcers and gastritis.

may help with weight loss

Olive oil is caloric, with about 120 calories per tablespoon. If you want to lose weight, you should control this food. But contrary to what it might seem, it can help you drop a few pounds: The healthy fats it contains can help increase feelings of fullness, which may be good for appetite control in a balanced diet.

Differences from olive oil

The “surname” we give this oil is for a reason, and for good reason.main difference between olive oil The key to extra virgin olive oil is its quality and production process.

Ordinary olive oil is obtained by Refining of inferior olive oil Or blend refined oils with virgin or extra virgin oils. Therefore, it is also called refined oil.This process involves using chemicals and heat to remove blemishes and bad taste, This affects its nutritional quality and flavor.

Extra virgin olive oil It is the highest quality olive oil. It is obtained entirely through a mechanical process (cold extraction), without any type of chemical refining.

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The production process directly affects quality These, therefore, differ in Taste and Properties.Extra virgin olive oil retains all its properties Nutritional and Beneficial Properties for is purer and more preserved better flavor and aroma Strawberry Olives.

Because of, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Prices Its content is higher than ordinary oil.

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