Italian star criticized Penelope Cruz

The controversy broke out a few days ago Pierfrancesco Favino as part of the Venice Film Festival, it shows no signs of fading. Various artists took part in the discussion of productions dedicated to famous Italian characters, often played by Hollywood stars, including Mads Mikkelsen and Gabriele Muccino.

However, a new item has been added in the last few hours. argument support di Favino, who did not hesitate to use very “colorful” words. We are talking about Luke Barbareschipresent in Venice to present out of competition Penitenta film that marks his debut behind the camera.

Barbareschi said that he fully agreed with what Favino stated, repeating this with a pinch of sarcasm since the issue has indeed been discussed for quite some time now:

I’m glad that Favino, whom I respect, got there and that others support him. I really like it. They always come back after six months or a year, but now, finally, they wake up. But I was the first to say it, a long time ago.“.

The actor and director then went into detail, emphasizing that there is a real identity issue and how foreign productions continue to create stereotypical and simplistic view Italians. A vision that is often reflected in the more than controversial spoken Italian presented in films such as House of Gucci:

Here I watch embarrassing films in English. There is an identification problem. Some Spanish actors think it’s enough to say “Hey you, pass me the pasta” to play an Italian. (…) I would like to continue, I said the same about Leopard. To imagine the words of Tomasi da Lampedusa in a language other than Italian would be impossible. I have seen Italians being forced to speak in Anglo-Saxon films. This is idiotic born with a movie about Gucci“.

Then Barbareschi does not hesitate to oppose the interpretation proposed by Penelope Cruz V ferrariMichael Mann biopic starring Adam Drive:

In the Ferrari, Penélope Cruz speaks with a Spanish accent, trying to sound like Emilian. Looks like an exorcist. In our cinema, we are unmatched, I hope that the country and the story of our country will be heavily invested by politics, otherwise we will always have to let others tell us.“.

What do you think of Luca Barbareschi’s words? Let us know about it in the comments!

Read also: Gabriele Muccino responds to controversy raised by Favino: “No one likes Italian actors”

Photo: Andreas Renz / Sylvain Lefebvre / Getty Images

Source: ANSA


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