It’s all in the vaccine

They’re always sweet-talking us about magic pills: some rejuvenate cells, others burn the calories we eat, and the latest, an experiment with a pill that replaces the gym! Doing something similar on the couch, after taking the above mentioned drugs, our bodies seem to have put in all the effort and sacrifice, spending an hour or two a day doing muscle building, aerobics, strength exercises, etc. It is with the utmost good intentions that we thrive in those institutions filled with torture racks such as spin bikes, ellipticals, treadmills, weights, and various gadgets to keep our bodies beautiful enough and most importantly healthy.

We know that good DNA goes a long way, but it’s also important that we take care of ourselves. I mean, ingredients aren’t everything, and daily exercise is important, but it doesn’t work miracles. Healthy living prevents disease, but now vaccines are also in vogue. They can treat a wide range of diseases, not just influenza, pneumonia or all variants and new strains of the coronavirus, but also herpes, cholesterol and many other conditions.

There are already twenty thousand centenarians in Spain and life expectancy will increase as we realize that good self-care helps achieve this, if research also allows us to prevent diseases and thus improve our ability to overcome them ability, that’s even better. The proportion of people who are against vaccination is high, but if those who care about our health, because of our specialness, recommend them to do this or that, we should be aware that maybe we should pay attention and prevent a health rebellion that would have can be avoided. The fewer attacks on physical health, the better.

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