Japonya’da yeni bir adağdu

Japan’s deniz altı yanardağının patlaması sonucu başkent Tokyo’ya 200 kilometers uzaklıkta yeni bir ada oluştu.

Japan’s Pacific Beach is located in the Ogasawa region of the 100-meter-long Zenkirin Basins, which are cut by massive volcanic basins.

Please note that the Japan Meteorological Institute has mini-rotor helicopters and 50-meter helicopters that can fly to the ground.

BBC Turkish visited the University of Tokyo through the Fukashi Maino Institute, which contributed to improving his skills in obtaining a first-class university degree and Denizd.

Boyutu genişleyebilir

Maino, had more volcanic activity in July during volcanic activity. There are also other things that can be used to store and sell other items.

All is well

Japan was once more modern than ever. Kuzeyde Hokkaido adasının 500 meters uzağındaki Esanbe Hanakita Kojima adasının 2018 yılında sessionsedasız yok olduğu ortaya çıkmıştı.

University of Tokyo University of Tokyo University Professor Setsuya Nakada “Sonsuza Kadar” kalabileceğini belirtti.

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