Jenna Ortega Caught Smoking and Commenting on Her Mom!

Does Jenna Ortega smoke? Some videos exist on the web, here’s what happened and what his mom thinks!

lately Jenna Ortega she was involved in a big drama, unleash the wrath of your *most ardent* fans along with your haters! Actually the actress was caught during a chat with a friend. he smoked a cigarette, But what does his mother think of the story? Here’s how he commented on the situation!

Jenna Ortega’s mother, Natalie Ortega very sarcastic comment on the play, Indeed, he has published a series of Instagram Stories opened by a meme: “Don’t believe the lies that cigarettes are bad for you. I’ve smoked for most of my 21 years and I feel great!”, While Gollum is shown in the image, which is a fictional character “Lord of the Rings”with a smile on his face.

However, in other images, it is possible to see another meme about research on the dangers of smoking and being a parent in conclusion: “A mother is always a mother, she never stops caring for her children, even when they all grow up and have children”, In short, it seems that Mrs. Ortega was not fazed by the situation, but decided to have a little sarcasm at the sight of it. Her daughter is an adult and responsible for her own actions,

Jenna Ortega Was Caught Smoking, The Drama Began: Here’s What Happened!

Article dated May 28, 2023 – a video of these days Jenna Ortega is doing the rounds on the web in many different countries. The internationally renowned young actress was filmed outside a restaurant in the company of a friend, while He smoked a cigarette. But how did his fans react? Spoiler: not good!

Jenna Ortega is a rising movie star who became popular after her starring role in the Netflix series.Wednesday, Even if, in many *, they already knew her and followed her from the time she “starred in programs broadcast ondisney channel“. Although he never promoted first person point of view is not very educational, perhaps even in relation to his youngest followers *. Within hours, views of the video, in which he holds a cigarette between his fingers, spread across all the platforms it was published on.

Smoking is really looked down upon in the United States, in fact many *fans were put off* by the news, and Hollywood is currently under attack by rumors about the matter.

The web world is divided into two: On one hand there are people who are completely against this attitude of hers which is considered wrong, on the other hand there are people who do not consider it a scandal, and who consider it normal for a twenty year old make a mistakeand there is something vice president Not too serious. And which side are you on?

(Pics: Tiktok)

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