Jenna Ortega doesn’t understand why Wednesday’s ballet scene worked out: her doubts

In the world of streaming and social media, it doesn’t take long to go viral, but few other scenes have achieved as much popularity over the past few months or years as Jenna Ortega’s ballet Wednesday. The list of stars who have imitated her is long and includes Lady Gaga, but the person concerned admitted that they do not fully understand the reason for such success.

During an interview, the young hero of the series about a young girl The Addams Family he was very critical of himself, confessing also to some regrets about it:It was a scene that kept me awake at night, I thought I could and should do so much more than the fact that someone even showed a little appreciation and tried it for themselves. (dance, ed.)… I don’t understand, really“.

In her defense, it should be emphasized that on the same days and during the filming of this particular episode, Jenna Ortega discovered that she had Covid, which effectively turned the production into a kind of “good premiere” of the cult ballet that went viral.

The movements of this scene have different inspirations: from Bob Foss To Lisa Loringpassing through Lene Lovich, Denis Laban and archival footage of gothic club dances from the 1980s. It’s unlikely season 2 will have room for another moment with the same viral potential, but fans can keep their fingers crossed. Jenna Ortega, on the other hand, also began to make fun of this incredible success, for example, in a recent episode of Saturday Night Live.

Photo: MovieStills

Source: ET


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