Jorge Lanata hospitalized again

Ranata was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and high fever. She was a risk patient and her health condition was worrying. The reporter was in intensive care in September.

A few days into his hospitalization, he developed a urinary tract infection and fever, which worsened his condition. After leaving the hospital, doctors asked him to take more thorough care of his health, so he continued to recover at home, accompanied by his wife Elba Marcovecchio.

On the last day of October, journalist Ángel de Brito reported on his social networks: “Lanata is hospitalized again.” He attached a PPT where the presenter received Martin Fe Hierro Award nomination photo.

Moments later, Ranata said on air at the station where she works: “It turns out I have pneumonia. I’m taking antibiotics and that’s why I’m hospitalized until I get better.”

True to his style, he threw a sharp twist and promised: “I don’t listen to you, you’re glad I didn’t listen to you, otherwise I would have split in two. That’s a compliment… I do PPT on Sunday.”

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