Jorge Lanata hospitalized at Favaloro Foundation with pneumonia

Journalist Jorge Lanata joined the Favaloro Foundation on Tuesday. He is under observation due to pneumonia.

It is understood that the driver of the car PPT (No. 13) will remain at the clinic until at least Friday, and on Sunday he can take charge of the news space on the channel’s screens.

He explained this himself on his radio show, wool without filtergo through mit radio. “I have pneumonia. They are giving me intravenous antibiotics. Since it is by road, I have to stay in Favaloro until my condition improves before I can go home,” he said.

Jorge Lanata predicts the end of Kirchnerism.

In the same communication, he confirmed his desire to recover over the weekend and be able to host a TV show. “We do PPT on Sunday. This is one of the few Sundays where there’s no election or debate or anything,” he said at the hospital.

Ranata’s previous hospitalization experience

It is worth remembering that a month and a half before his discharge, Jorge Lanata was admitted again to the Favaloro Foundation. On that occasion, the journalist was absent from his Radio Miter show.

Now, just after noon, Angel de Brito announced that the driver had been hospitalized.

Angel de Brito reports that Lanata is hospitalized
Angel de Brito reports that Lanata is hospitalized


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