Jorge Lanata recovers from pneumonia and returns to radio to host his show

Jorge Lanata returns to Radio Miter

Last Tuesday, October 31st, journalist Jorge Lanata was absent from his classic radio show on the morning of October 31st. radio bevelAfter some speculation, the host himself communicated from the Favaloro Foundation, detailing what happened to reassure his team and the audience. “I have pneumonia and they give me antibiotics and I have to stay here until I get better before I can go home.”he said over the phone.

During the conversation, the driver and his team joked with each other. Jessica Bossi and Marina Calabro Studio from the station. He claimed he had no idea what was being played: “You have to be glad I didn’t listen to you, because if I had, I would have fired half the team,” he joked. “That’s a good percentage,” they responded almost in unison.

Then it was his wife who came out to talk about the reporter’s health, Elba Marcovecchio. during the program Mariana FabianiOne of the lawyers, who counts her as a columnist, expressed optimism about her husband’s recovery. “He’s OK. He had a little pneumonia and then he got sick again. It all started early on Monday and always, always, like everyone, everything evolves better when it’s caught on time. I Cross your fingers, because you always have to cross your fingers. We note that it’s going well. “He’s taking antibiotics,” the lawyer said on U.S. Signal Cycle.

He then added details about the evolution of Ranata’s clinical condition. “He was fine on Sunday, he went through the plan normally, but it’s the dawn of Monday morning. It was peaceful during the hospital stay. In fact, I’m here on Monday because everything is under control,” he added. “I have a bit of a fever. Anyway, 38, 38.2 is quite a lot for him… 38 is full. ” explains Marcovecchio, jokingly explaining the lyrics of the famous song. divided into. “There was a little noise, little things, so we talked to the doctor and he told us to go later so he could arrange things. So we went to the hospital very calmly,” she explains, now more relaxed.

Jorge Lanata’s wife talks about journalist’s health

Finally, last Thursday, the journalist was discharged from the hospital and even received his award via an Internet connection. Products 2023.On the occasion, the communicator was awarded the award for the best news presenter of his cycle Hash.

This Monday, Lanata returned to her radio cycle and even became part of her traditional show with Eduardo Feinmann, this time, one from the studio and another recently recovered from his home. “Hello, how are you?” Ranata began by saying, to which she received this response: “Honey, I miss you so much! How are you?”

At this point, Jorge detailed what had happened in the past few days: “I had pneumonia, so I was hospitalized for a few days, but fortunately it passed. It was not serious.”“, he explained, which Feynman clarified: “They found loopholes, they killed him with antibiotics and it was over. ” It was there that his interlocutor agreed with him, stating: “I took my last antibiotic yesterday, so here I am.”after which they continued with daily messages.

As for how her recovery will continue, they asked Elba on Mariana Fabiani’s show if they were internally discussing the possibility of Lanata quitting smoking. “This is a very personal issue for him. There’s no disputing that, Jorge wins.You have to pick your battles and it’s a losing battle for me. He smokes less than before, but all cravings start with people. No matter how much you tell him, it’s a losing battle,” he stressed.

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