Last night, Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at Rai1 Special Porta a Porta – Farewell to Berlusconi it was attended by 1,572,000 spectators, representing 9.1%. On Canale 5 – from 20.48 to 0.09 – series New Amsterdam 1,326,000 viewers gathered before the video, which is 8.5% of the share. On Rai2 good doctor 6 it was attended by 1,112,000 viewers, representing a share of 6.4% (first series: 1,088,000 – 5.9%, second series: 1,133,000 – 7%). In Italy 1 There is only one president it entertained 707,000 viewers with 4%. Na Rai3 Who saw? garnered 2,136,000 pre-video viewers, accounting for a 14.2% share (10-minute presentation: 2,241,000 – 11.8%). Online4 white zone it has 744,000 viewers with a 5.8% share. On A7 Atlantis album it recorded 525,000 viewers with a 4% share. Meeting on TV8 League of Nations Holland-Croatia gains 954,000 viewers with 5.5% (total before and after: 628,000 – 3.5%; first half: 862,000 – 4.5%, second half: 959,000 – 5.4%, overtime: 1,060,000 – 7.4%). On the nine basketball championship playoffs Armani Milano – Virtus Bologna collected 281,000 viewers at 1.5%. 20th final score received 435,000 viewers with 2.5%. On Paradise4 Trapped at the bottom of the sea records 531,000 viewers with 3.1%. About irises water world notes 529,000 viewers and 3.3%. On A5 Little big love records 418,000 viewers and 2.8%. In real time Deal with your life – everything is in its place registers 228,000 viewers and 1.3%. On yellow Shetland Islands gaining 490,000 viewers with 2.9%.