Just Eat – Lands in Varese and Busto. And he hires riders with employee contracts.

VARECE – Just Eat expands its fleet and promotes responsible food delivery: 15 new positions opened in the city of Varese and the same number between Busto Arsizio, Castellanza and Legnano.. All are hired as employees on the basis of a collective agreement signed with the CGIL, CISL and UIL unions. There are more than 100 restaurants between Varese and Busto. by the riders of a company whose worldwide recommendation is the pop star Katy Perry.

“Landing” in Varese and Busto

just eat (www.justeat.it), part of Just Eat Takeaway.com, one of the world’s leading home delivery companies, is expanding its operations. delivery model focused on hiring riders with subordinate employment contracts. Are provided 15 hiring riders classified as employees to which the CCNL of the logistics, transport, goods and shipping sectors has been applied, thanks to an agreement reached in March 2021 by Just Eat and the trade union organizations FILT CGIL, FIT-CISL and UIL, which made it possible to come to the first collective bargaining company that created riders. Busto Arsizio has already hired 5 riders classified as employees.and other vacancies are open (15 in total) in the Upper Milan area.

Just Eat extension

The decision made by the company to continue the path of investment in people and territory, creating jobs in the city, creating opportunities support the growth of the digital food delivery market and improve the level of service. Varese and Busto Arsizio are the seventh and eighth cities of Lombardy, along with Monza, Milan, Brescia, Como, Pavia and Bergamo. strategic territory, as it recorded growth +42% by number of restaurants: 40th and 41st cities implement this model. “With the arrival in Varese and Busto Arsizio, we are proud to announce that we have reached the goal – forty Italian cities have adopted our delivery model. Lombardy is an area of ​​fundamental importance for our business, i. we will continue to invest in people and territorybecause we believe it is necessary to continue our operations,” he says Daniele Contini, Regional Manager, Just Eat Italy “We strive to make the best use of our human resources and support the socio-economic development of the communities in which we operate, always keeping the goal of providing the highest quality service at the center of all our actions.”


In Varese and Busto Arsizio, applications for joining the Just Eat team have officially begun with an employment contract guaranteeing trade union rights as well as the economic and regulatory regime provided for by the trade union agreement signed in 2021. The proposed contract provides for the application holidays, overtime, holidays, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave in accordance with what is regulated by the CCNL. The salary is in accordance with the tables provided by CCNL indicating hourly pay exceeds 9 euros before accrual of seniority with a total duration of two years. i is added to the hourly starting wage of €8.75 bonus for ordering and granting severance pay, in addition to any additional payments for overtime, overtime, holidays and night hours. They are expected in Varese different hourly modes of part-time work (from 10 to 20 hours), shifts are planned using the app, where the driver reports his availability for the next week, and Just Eat, taking into account preferences, starts planning the work week. They are also planned mileage compensation for using your own delivery vehicle, moped or bicycle, and full and complete enforcement of applicable health and safety regulations and delivery of all PPE required by applicable law, i.e. free protective equipment such as a helmet, high-visibility clothing, a raincoat and a backpack for transporting food. Also, in addition to insurance coverage provided by public welfare and assistance institutions (INPS and INAIL), all employees will be provided with additional insurance in the event of a serious accident at work. In addition, hired riders will be offered specialized training with 12 hours of basic and special training by profession and on issues of labor protection as an integral part of work and regularly paid, as well as periodic medical examination of working capacity.

How to apply

Research is ongoing and may apply on a special page https://www.justeat.it/rider by entering your personal information, watching an explanatory video about the role of a rider and answering a few questions. The applicant may also provide information regarding the means of delivery, an indication of their own work shift preferences and documents required for employment. Applicants will be assessed one by one and will subsequently be contacted for participation in one online session about the company and the role of the rider and ask recruiters for information.

Digital food delivery in two cities

Varese has 61 restaurants where you can order through Just Eat, being able to choose from 15 different types of cuisine: from international chains such as McDonald’s, Old Wild West, I love poketo local restaurants such as Watami, La Paranza, Ato Sushi, Cycleri, Sultan, Haveli and many others..

Instead, they are between Busto Arsizio, Castellanza and Legnano. 48 restaurants from which you can order through Just Eat, being able to choose from 15 different types of cuisine: from the most famous international chains such as Burger King, La Piadineria, Lowengrube to a very diverse and valuable local offer, such as Oishi. Among the most ordered dishes in the city stand out Sushi Oyishi, Black Sheep, Poke Moon, Li Ming, Vanilla Ice Cream.

Varese Busto Arsizio just eat – MALPENSA24

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