Justice forces parents to vaccinate newborn babies against hepatitis and tuberculosis

A Cordoba judge forces parents to vaccinate their newborn children (Image: Getty)

A judge in the province of Córdoba granted the parents newborn Who refuses to vaccinate their child within two days of being given an antiviral vaccine? Hepatitis B and BCG vaccine In warning of intervention”compulsive To achieve the purpose of vaccinating children. Both doses are specified in the national vaccination calendar of the Ministry of Health and are mandatory by law.

The resolution is signed by the judge Silvana Aznarthe second nomination for president of the Civil, Commercial, Mediation and Family Courts third riverwho passed “self-satisfaction“The parents of the child were urgently summoned newborn “RIDM” applied vaccine Hepatitis Bdetermined to occur within the first 12 hours of life, and Baghdad Company -be opposed to tuberculosis– Prepare to be applied to the baby before leaving the maternity hospital. Both vaccines are one-dose and mandatory by law, according to the national vaccination calendar published annually by the state Department of Health.

According to the website judge cordobathe legal advisor requested judicial intervention Alfredo Javier Brouwer de Koning, Through staff from the Embalse de Calamuchita Regional Development Unit (UDER), part of the Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Families in Córdoba, they discovered that the mother of the newborn baby refuse to vaccinate him After leaving the delivery room.

The judge took action on the matter Informed Sent immediately to the parents of “RIDM” with a specific and non-movable deadline set in its judicial resolution. Along these lines, as a matter of urgency, he forced “within two daysthey must demonstrate compliance with vaccination regulations at the Eva Perón Hospital in Santa Rosa Calamuchita,” the province’s website posted.

Thereafter, the President of the Río Tercero Court authorized the relevant hospital authorities to carry out “Compulsory vaccinations for children“. Within this framework, he ordered the intervention of the Secretariat of Children, Adolescents and Families of Córdoba to transfer the child, accompanied by his mother, to the Calamuchita Health Center “with the cooperation and support of all parties”. security forces helpIf necessary.

National vaccination calendar of the Ministry of Health (Argentina.gob.ar)

Finally, the judge emphasized the importance of a compulsory vaccination program and, in this context, entrusting parents of newborns to comply with doses predetermined by the state Ministry of Health (designated as law enforcement agency), subject to legal warning. Pursuant to Decree No. 439/2023 on vaccination.

The norm, which recently came into effect, regulates Law No. 27491 of 2018, which deals with “Controlling vaccination-preventable diseases”, its Article 2 stipulates “the obligation of residents to vaccinate” and the principle that “public health takes precedence over private interests”. It also determines “the free nature of vaccines and access to vaccination services, as well as the social status of all stages of life” fair”.

The National Ministry of Health is responsible for approving National vaccination calendar and coordinate actions with provincial judicial departments. Under the 2018 law, vaccines registered in the calendar are considered “compulsory vaccinations for all residents of the country in accordance with guidelines established by law enforcement agencies.”

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