Aging is inevitable and involves more or less serious health problems. Now, being over 50 should not be an excuse to indulge yourself and gain weight. If overdosed, it may cause serious cardiovascular problems.
Enjoy the food, yes. But always use moderation. In addition to the common effects of the passage of time, such as degeneration of skin, bones, and muscles (and then typical problems such as osteoarthritis or knee problems), aging can also cause certain problems with weight management.
Losing weight over the age of 50 is more complicated, and there is an explanation. Your lifestyle and the physiological level of your body are no longer the same. So when these two things come together, it makes it harder for your body to lose excess weight that you could have shed more easily just a few years ago.
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In fact, people over the age of 50 face a series of challenges every day, stemming from the internal battle of metabolism (Progress is slow and can even cause sleep problems and insomnia) Digestive problems make it less easy to achieve results with the diet.but There’s another reality you shouldn’t ignore either: People over 50 tend to become progressively less active in their daily activities.
Take care of your metabolism
Metabolism plays a vital role in regulating body weight. As you age, your metabolic rate gradually decreases. This can lead to weight gain or poor weight control, which can be harmful to our bones, heart, and brain.
By the age of 50, you will have lost approximately 10% of your muscle mass, so if you want to regain it, you must engage in physical activity.In turn, this It has a very positive impact on daily calorie burning. Indirectly, in addition to taking care of your body, you are also losing weight.
But that doesn’t mean it’s your responsibility to accept the inevitable weight gain as described above. Below we introduce to you five key points that you should remember to lose weight and lose belly fat if you are over 50 years old.
Start a diet and talk to a personal trainer
Healthy eating and exercise are two fundamental aspects of weight loss. But this has nothing to do with age.arriveNow, you can’t do it on your own because your body “reacts” differently at 50 (or older) than it does at 35.
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This is why you need to consult a nutritionist and a personal trainer, because controlling your diet is as important as controlling your physical activity during training.
let’s move
If you work in an office or static workplace, taking a daily walk to stretch your legs is recommended. This will activate your body and lead you to a more “active” lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle can have a very negative impact on your health.
Cook your daily menu and take care of your diet
This may seem logical, but not tracking your diet can also lead to you rushing and (sometimes) giving up on your diet in some over-the-top ways. Fast food, especially during the week, shouldn’t be an option. Cook meals and plan menus every day. This way you can control the ingredients you use, the weight, and save some money.
sleep monitoring
How quickly (or slowly) the body ages depends on its energy expenditure and intensity. In this sense, Control sleep Controlling your weight is crucial. sleep for Make sure your body is getting enough rest so that it is functioning at its best, both mentally and physically.