Khaled Meshaal, a Hamas leader, gave information about ammunition and weapons! Will it be enough?

Khaled Meshaal, leader of the Hamas movement abroad, delivered a speech during the conference organized by the International Parliamentary Islamic Forum this evening.

Muhammad Bozdas

The most important points of Mishal’s speech are as follows:

What happened in Al-Aqsa Mosque, the acceleration of demolition plans, and the plans of extremist ministers to complete the Judaization of the West Bank and Jerusalem and displace its people, were the motivation behind October 7.

The suffering of more than 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in the occupation cells, the slow death of Gaza after 17 years of siege, and the transformation of the issue into a war of occupation and settlement, all of this happened. We were present in the leadership of the movement and in our victorious brigades when they decided to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Resistance action has evolved from the uprisings and wars in Gaza to taking a major step, like the flood of Al-Aqsa Mosque, on our long road to liberating Palestine.

The impressive performance of the Qassam Mujahideen in resisting the ground forces entering Gaza demonstrates their sincere faith and devotion to the Qur’an, as well as the quality of education.

From the Arab initiative to the recent summits, the Arab leadership seems powerless in the face of the Zionist occupation.

If the Algerians, Afghans and Vietnamese had listened to the advocates of defeatism who demanded our surrender, Algeria, Afghanistan and Vietnam would not have been liberated from colonialism and occupation.

The flood of Al-Aqsa Mosque harmed the occupation psychologically, militarily, and intelligence-wise, and this defeat will be complete soon, God willing.

October 7 demonstrated that the terrorist Zionist occupation can be defeated and raised awareness around the world of the justice of the Palestinian cause.

The occupation revealed its barbarism when it turned into a raging bull that oppressed innocent people by targeting schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, and all aspects of life in the beloved Gaza Strip.

Why do the Arab and Islamic nations not unite around resistance? Western countries also took part in marches in support of the Zionist occupation.

After 49 years of terrorist Zionist aggression, and despite the martyrs of fighters and some leaders, the resistance is good, our tunnels, ammunition and weapons are still intact, and we can still maneuver, launch missiles and target invading tanks.

We follow the example of our great Messenger who preached the conquest of the Romans and Persians when they were besieged in the Battle of the Trench.

Our heroic warriors turned tanks, which cost millions and were equipped with the latest technology, into a “farce” by sticking a small package to their rear doors and killing the cowards inside.

Hamas leaders lost many of their families during the attack; Deputy official spokesman for the Legislative Council, Dr. We bid farewell to the beloved martyr Ahmed Bahr and the martyr sister Jamila Al-Ali, representative of the Legislative Council.

The terrorist Zionist occupation has failed to achieve its stated goals of eliminating Hamas and displacing the entire population of the Gaza Strip, and despite everything our great, determined North has suffered, the majority of the population in the North remains in the North.

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