La Paz authorities ask Peru for help fighting fires


Due to fires in northern La Paz province, The provincial government manages the arrival of volunteer firefighters from Peru.

“We are asking for help from our brothers in Peru. Like last year, volunteer firefighters assisted us; we have written again to help. We are working hard,” La Paz Governor Santos Quispe said.

Kispe also said More than 350 firefighters were dispatched to the affected area.

Meanwhile, government authorities reported states of emergency in dozens of cities due to natural disasters including frost, drought and forest fires. The fires affected 756 communities across the province.

Likewise, brigades were assigned to deliver medicine to treat conjunctivitis, Oral rehydration salts, water purification tablets and other necessities.

In response to this problem, the central government The need for international assistance has been ruled out, and a national emergency will not be declared.

“This declaration of emergency is unnecessary; Nor is it a request for support from some friends or renting a plane from abroad. “Defense Secretary Edmundo Novello said.

In addition, he also stated Soon all heat sources across the country will be under control.

“We think that by the end of the week we will have all these fires under control and extinguished, With the help of rainfall, because it continues to rain in some places, is expected to rain in some places, and is cloudy in some places, the fire can be extinguished. ” he said at a press conference yesterday.

He also emphasized that the number of active outbreaks dropped from 21 to 16 in one day, a decrease of 5 cases.Yes, Cochabamba now has four points, Beni four, La Paz six and Santa Cruz three. At the same time, he stressed that the number of troops in the armed forces and police has increased, reaching a total of 1,224. Finally, two more helicopters will be added to the mitigation effort.

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