Lancôme chooses Zendaya to pose at the Louvre

The new focus of many fashion brands ismuseum art. In fact, more and more creative directors are being chosen to curate exclusive exhibitions at major international venues. But that’s not all: art, be it classical, neoclassical, modern, western or eastern, has always been a driving force and inspired various areas of life, including fashion.

He fits this scenario perfectly. Lancomea French cosmetics company that has been one of the cornerstones of the cosmetics industry since 1935 and that, paying homage to its roots inextricably linked to the capital Paris, chose one of its most iconic symbols, the Louvre, to present a new product line.

In particular, the brand chose Zendaya as the new hero of a colossal photo campaign celebrating the classical art presented in the Louvre, but above all the greatness of female power. The star of “Euphoria”, in particular, was immortalized as the headliner of the created work, posing next to the famous “Euphoria”.Nike of Samothrace“.

“For me, her posture shows a confident and victorious woman. A powerful symbol of achievement,” said Zendaya, who embodied this in other shots. Venus of Arlesbetter known as Aphrodite.

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