Learn about and study the work of Antonio Machado with these latest editions

Antonio Machado He is one of the most important poets in Spanish and world literature. A native of Seville, he was the youngest representative of the 1998 generation and one of the exponents of the modernist and naturalistic trends, as noted in works such as Soledades (1903). His period as a teacher in Soria, Castile, marked the period before and after his work, with the publication of Campos de Castilla (1912), a title full of Symbolic meaning, which reflects the life and feelings of the people of Castile. Moreover, it was in this city that he met the love of his life: the young Leonor, who eventually became his wife and died of tuberculosis a few years later.

A staunch republican, the poet supported the government of the Second Republic, but the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War led him to move to Valencia and Barcelona, ​​and finally to France with his mother. He spent the last days of his life in neighboring countries, especially in the town of Collioure, where he died of pneumonia on February 22, 1939, a month after his arrival.

In order to get acquainted with the works of this great Sevillian poet, we have selected some of the titles most relevant to him in the current and revised editions, which can also be used in the study of secondary school and bachelor’s degree literature syllabuses.

complete poem

This compilation of poetry written by Machado during his lifetime presents not only the most famous poems, but also poems written during the Civil War and twenty hitherto virtually unknown texts. This edition has been written by Professor Manuel Alva, a professor at the Universidad Complutense and a member of the Royal Academy, with the aim of making his work more relevant to students and providing an introduction that will help understand and guide the reader in an in-depth study of the poet’s work.

Complete Poems of Antonio Machado
  • editorial: south
  • author: Antonio Machado

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Lonely. gallery.other poems

This is the most important collection of poems from Machado’s first period, framed by the modernist current, which the author himself defined as “the pruning of superfluous branches in Spanish poetry”. It was first published in 1907 and included part of a previous book, Soledades, published in 1903. The book’s poems revolve around themes such as his childhood in Seville, memories, dreams, time and death; all of them are full of metaphors or influenced by elements such as popular songs, a result of his father’s folkloric vocation .

Lonely.Gallery - Other Poems
  • Version: Chair
  • author: Antonio Machado

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Fields of Castile

This is one of the most transcendent collections of poems by the Andalusian writer, who succeeded in breaking with the Parisian tradition and the Madrid bohemianism that characterized his previous works, choosing Soli Sub-country simplicity. It is a compendium of poetry and prose dedicated to the city where he worked as a teacher and where he forged a deep love for his wife Leonore. The Douro River, the harsh climate of Castile, its people, the holm oak forests and the vastness of the land are the main references for this work and a source of inspiration for the poet.

Campos de Castile Antonio Machado
  • editorial: Chair
  • author: Antonio Machado

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I’m on the road to my dreams

An exceptional and meticulous anthology of selected poems by Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar, illustrated with watercolor illustrations by Leticia Rufernández. The title comes from one of the author’s most famous books, which is included in this book. It aims to follow the poet’s important route: starting from his hometown of Seville, passing through Madrid and then reaching cities that were also important for his life and work, such as Soria, Baeza, Segovi Asia, Valencia or Collioure. In addition, writer and screenwriter Julio Llamazares provides an epilogue to the verses.

I take the road of dreams
  • editorial: Nordic
  • author: Antonio Machado

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Collection belonging to the “Illustrated Classics” series of Alma Publishing House, containing the most important poems of Antonio Machado. It accurately reflects the author’s poetic evolution, from the modernism and the original symbolic meaning of his work to the personal and literary maturity marked by his time in the land of Castile, which will be revealed in “Castilian” Campos”. All are complemented by Gabriel Pacheco’s blue-toned illustrations, full of symbolism that reflect the nostalgic and melancholic feel of Machado’s poetry.

Antonio Machado Poetry
  • editorial: soul
  • author: Antonio Machado

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