Learn about management plants that have been granted multiple properties


It got its name because of its powerful ability to suppress the development of surrounding plants in order to get as much water as possible.

Learn about management plants that have been granted multiple properties
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Mexico. Have you ever heard of controlling plants? it is considered an important Medicinal plant, which has various properties This is closely related to the health of tea drinkers.

The plant, which is common in American deserts, is so named for its powerful ability to suppress the growth of surrounding plants in order to capture as much water as possible. in some places, It is also called stink because it gives off a lot of smell. Benefits against the common cold, arthritis and tuberculosis are offered, among others.

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According to the Digital Library of Traditional Mexican Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), it is used in the treatment of diseases related to the kidneys and urinary system, among them: kidney stones or bladder stones, and it is necessary to eliminate them. Recommended to drink as water for boiling twigs or the whole plant; Kidney ailments such as kidney pain, diabetes, stone disease, and cystitis (inflammation and blockage of the bladder), for relief the twigs, roots, leaves, or bark can be used , decoction, take on an empty stomach.

However, be careful, as with all things, it can be harmful when consumed in excess. It is not recommended to drink the infusion of this plant for an extended period of time, as it can cause stomach upset. It is best to consume it for a few days, not more than seven days, and then stop using it.

Perla Rodriguez Contreras

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BA in Communication Sciences and Technology from José Vasconcelos de Durango University. Over ten years as an editor and proofreader, and six years as a reporter for local sources.Secretary of the Durango Delegation of the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers

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