Learn all about caring for cockscomb plants

Description of Cockscomb Plant

  • Common name: Cockscomb
  • Scientific name: Silver lattice variety cockscomb
  • Family: Amaranthaceae
  • Origin: Africa and Asia
  • Location: Outdoor
  • Lighting: direct sunlight
  • Temperature: Warm climate (21-29°C)
  • Irrigation: Moderate

Characteristics of Cockscomb Plant

Cockscomb is a plant in the Amaranthaceae family, native to Africa and Asia. It is an annual herbaceous plant, that is, it completes its life cycle within one year, leaving behind seeds.

The genus Celosia includes 51 recognized species of plants, the most famous of which is Celosia. cockscomb. Do you know the origin of the name cockscomb?As explained by the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, it is derived from the Greek word Kairoswhich means burning and describes Flame-like color and inflorescences on some varieties.

As you can guess, the common name of our protagonist today, Cockscomb, refers to Its flowers are so oddly shaped that they mimic the outline of a rooster’s comb. This is undoubtedly its most distinctive and unique feature, which has made it even more famous and popular in recent years.

When does it bloom?

Cockscombs bloom in summer and autumn and come in different colors: red, orange, yellow and cream.Its showiness makes it a much coveted plant Ornamental gardening and flower arrangements such as cut flowers.

But it’s not just its flowers that are striking, but its leaves too. Its leaves are green, lanceolate, and edible. In fact, in Nigeria it is a real pest.it’s known Soko Yokofuji It literally means making your husband fat and happy.

    plant cockscomb

Not surprising considering its fall blooming period In Mexico it is an important plant for the Day of the Dead. Its bright colors combine perfectly with other main decorative plants, such as marigold flowers. They explain on the mexicodesconocido website that it was used to decorate offerings and tombs.

Everything you need to know about caring for cockscombs

Cockscomb is a very interesting plant to grow in our gardens. Do you want to know the key to keeping it healthy and encouraging its blooms?

light and location

this plant Love the sunshine, This is why it is mainly used as an outdoor plant. It needs to receive at least 8 hours of sunlight to develop properly.Thanks hot climate On the contrary, it is Sensitive to low temperatures and frost.

Cockscombs in the garden


How often does this plant need to be watered?prefer soil Slightly moist, but not saturated Because overdose may cause illness.

Ana Beatriz Mora Aguirre, in her Milagro Export Cockscomb cultivation project, analyzed the most suitable methods of cultivating this species and concluded that the best way of watering is a combination of drippers and micro-sprinklers, because when the leaves When there is too much moisture on the surface, the flowers are very susceptible to fungal attack. Explain that at the beginning of the flowering season, drip irrigation must be used.

substrate and fertilizer

As we mentioned, celosia is a plant that is sensitive to excessive humidity, so choose a Lightweight substrateand rich in organic matter, Drain properly.

cockscombs in pot

Likewise, to promote the development and flowering of the plant, regular fertilization during its growth period is recommended.

The main problems in its cultivation

As Ana Beatriz Mora Aguirre explained in the previously mentioned project, the main problems with cockscomb cultivation boil down to the following points:

1.Aphids, The most common pest is the cotton aphid. When the attack volume is large, it will cause the flower head to deform.

2. Mushrooms Examples include Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Phytophthora, which cause yellowing and subsequent wilt.

3. Nematodes Nodule or gall bacteria (Meloidogyne spp.). They feed on the inside of the roots and produce noticeable swelling.

4. Ozonean air pollutant that damages the inner cells of leaves.

How do Cockscomb plants propagate?

cockscomb plant or cockscomb This is a very easy plant to propagate. You can do this using seeds or cuttings.

Santiago Ramiro Revelo Salto, in his feasibility study on producing cockscombs as cut flowers for export, explains that seeds require a fixed amount of light to germinate, and if they do not germinate after 10 days (normally it takes 2 days). or 3) these must be eliminated. Plants can be transplanted into the field four or six weeks after sowing, he added.

While propagating this plant from seed is not complicated, the easiest and fastest way is By taking cuttings in spring or summer.

As you can see, Cockscomb is a truly versatile plant, Add color and beauty to gardens and outdoor spaces. Do you still dare to plant it?

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