Learn how this natural mixture can scare away mosquitoes from your home

During the rainy season, these animals come out and move around. Despite the huge drop and loud thunder, they still enjoyed walking in different places.Night is his favorite time to search houses Allow them to enter. Even though they didn’t receive an invitation, they managed to infiltrate and within a few hours they had reached their goal, drinking the sweet liquid. If they leave no trace, residents will make noise knowing they were there. Do you know what animal it is?this mosquito.

According to the Mexican Biodiversity Journal, more than 3,500 species of organisms mosquito worldwide. In Mexico, more than 240 species in 21 genera have been recorded. For example, in Chiapas, 139 species in 21 genera have been reported, 8 of which are of veterinary importance.

if mosquito they come to you Homewe share with you Natural cleaning tips Scare them away. This way you avoid the spread of disease or discomfort they leave behind on your skin.In the meantime, we’ll share some tips to keep them at bay Home.no longer mosquito fly for you Home.

How to make them disappear mosquito of Home?

this mosquitoFlying bugs are small flying insects that bite humans and other animals, according to the National Pesticide Information Center. In addition to the itchy discomfort caused by their bites, mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as West Nile virus, malaria, or malaria to humans and animals.There are various mosquito Due to their climate preferences and breeding areas.

Credit: Canvas

PAHO adds that dengue fever, malaria, Chagas disease, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis, yellow fever, chikungunya, lymphatic filariasis, river blindness and West Nile virus are all caused by Diseases spread by: mosquitoflies, periwinkle moths and other insects put the health of one in two people in the Americas at risk.

To avoid any inconvenience, Teach Me Science shares a way to do it Natural cleaning tips. You will need 5 bay leaves, 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar. First, you have to boil a container of water, add bay leaves, lower the heat and boil again. Then, remove the container from the heat and let it sit for 15 minutes until cool.

Credit: Canvas

Teach Me Science adds that you must remove the bay leaves, leaving the infusion without the leaves. Then you have to transfer the water to a container where you add the wine vinegar. If you can’t find it, you can also use white vinegar.Spray the mixture Nature in those areas mosquito in your heart Home. This way you can scare them away once and for all.

Installing, repairing, and using metal door and window screens, closing doors, using air conditioning, emptying and avoiding water storage tanks, and using pesticides are among CDC-permitted controls mosquito. Now they have a variety of cleaning tips to give you peace of mind at home. Home.

(Information from Revista Mexicana Biodiversidad, National Pesticide Information Center, Pan American Health Organization, Enséñame de Ciencia, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

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