Leg Exercises: The Best Exercises to Shape Legs Like Queen Letizia

If there is something that always draws our attention to our physique

queen letizia His arms are very toned and strong. Even his chiseled abs and incredibly flat stomach.What we never noticed is

Her legs are long and chiseledIt was as if he was dedicated to climbing mountain roads on his bike day after day.

As far as we know, cycling is not one of her hobbies. He practices rock climbing, as well as yoga and even Zumba, thanks to the climbing wall installed in La Zazuela.Indeed, we don’t know what specific exercises they practiced to have these

Legs so tonedbut we can provide you with the best workouts and sports to make miniskirts fit you better than ever.

Best exercises for all muscles in the legs

Best exercise for quadriceps: Squats

How to do it: Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and place your hands together or extend your arms at a 90-degree angle in front of your chest. As you lower, keep your hips back as if you were about to sit in an imaginary chair. Your knees should not go past your toes, and your back should always be straight and never lean forward.

Queen Letizia and Princess Leonor take a walk in Mallorca/GTRESONLINE

Best Hamstring Exercise: Nordic Curls

How to do it: Place your knees on a soft surface and place your feet on a support, keeping your feet still. Next, fall forward in one smooth motion, supporting yourself on your hands when you reach the ground. Push yourself up with your hands and repeat.

Best exercise for glutes: lunges

How to do it: Stand up with your back straight and pretend to take a step forward, keeping your legs forward. Bend your knees to lower, hold down for a second or two, then slowly return. Return to the starting position and do the same with the other leg.

The best exercise for calves: calf raises

How to make them: Stand on a step with your heels off the edge and feet shoulder-width apart. Lift your heels up with the balls of your feet, control the movement, and quickly lower your body to ensure that your heels are not lower than the step.

Woman performing squats with kettlebell


Exercises to exercise all muscles in the legs


Consistent strength exercises are ideal for working all muscles as well as local muscles.

leg especially. Of course, you have to perform specific poses to build leg strength and exercise.

half an hour At least it takes a while to achieve it.


Pilates focuses on comprehensive physical exercise,

deepest muscles Even the most peripheral ones.It can be a good ally if your goal is to achieve something

Strong and chiseled legs There are some poses that can help you achieve this.



tone legSwimming is an ideal exercise to strengthen the back, prevent back injuries, and tone our body. In addition, experts assure that it is very effective in fighting viruses.

cellulitis This is thanks to the massage of the water on our bodies when we swim.


when you practice

running You can work your entire leg muscles, from calves to thighs and buttocks.Of course you have to be careful

Influenceas it can negatively impact your joints and pelvic floor.

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