Legionnaires’ pneumonia increases this autumn in Navarre

Legionnaires’ pneumonia increases this autumn in NavarreJavier Vergaza

“Legionella pneumonia has increased this fall, as it has in previous years,” Warning issued in latest epidemiological surveillance report Navarra Institute of Public Health and Occupational Health (ISPLN). Therefore, as shown, “In the past four weeks, 13 cases have been confirmedThere have been 43 possible acquisitions in the Foral community so far this year”.

“In all cases environmental studies will be conducted to identify possible sources of exposure,” the report states. No has been discovered Evidence of common origin in the case. “Some infections were contracted at holiday resorts, others were caused by contamination of hot water fixtures at home, and still others the source could not be determined after community risk had been ruled out.”

The public health department explained that among reason Part of the increase in cases is “Seasonal Legionnaires’ disease, with the highest incidence in autumn; he Increase in vulnerable population Due to advanced age or immunodeficiency; and Maintenance of domestic hot water tanks below 60℃which is conducive to the reproduction of Legionella bacteria.”

Measures to strengthen Legionnaires’ disease control

Therefore, in order to improve the control of Legionnaires’ disease, it is recommended that “the diagnosis of Legionnaires’ disease be excluded by determination of Legionella antigens in urine”.Therefore, among confirmed cases, “implementation Sputum culture To be able to draw conclusions about the similarities of Legionella detected in patient and environmental samples. ” Likewise, it is recommended“Keep domestic hot water tanks and circuits high (>60°) To prevent bacterial growth, purify water circuits after periods of inactivity and maintain good facility maintenance.” Avoid or reduce tobacco consumptionbecause exposure to Legionella bacteria increases your risk of getting sick.

On the other hand, Public Health observed during the week of October 2-8 SARS-CoV-2 transmission intensity and severity are low.

Again, it states that it remains The number of acute respiratory tract infection consultations remains stable In primary care, decline number of cases Coronavirus-19 and Increase of influenza syndrome. The incidence rate is 542 per 100,000 inhabitants, of which 9 are influenza syndrome per 100,000 and 57 are COVID-19 per 100,000.

They registered last week 16 people hospitalized with covid-19 – 3 more than before – and die -Same numbers as the previous 7 days-. One case of influenza A (H1N1) requiring hospitalization was also confirmed, but no cases of respiratory syncytial virus were confirmed.

The report confirms that “high circulation of rhinoviruses and, to a lesser extent, other viruses such as adenovirus and parainfluenza virus are found” in patients with acute respiratory infections.

Gastroenteritis cases remain high

In addition, public health authorities have highlighted that the number of diagnoses of acute gastroenteritis remains high,There were 306 cases in primary care last week (7 more than the previous week). However, the incidence is thought to be within the range recorded in other years of the period.

After noting that causative factors are diverse, he reflected, “The greatest increase has been in viruses, especially norovirus, which cause temporary symptoms that often cannot be confirmed.” However, it noted that “bacterial and Parasites are associated with longer-lasting symptoms,” and “cryptosporidiosis cases decreased for the fourth consecutive week.”

To prevent and control gastroenteritis, experts recommend “always practice good hand hygiene after using the toilet and before eating or handling food,” that “boys and girls with symptoms should not attend day care centers until symptoms have completely resolved,” and All affected people should avoid handling food or cooking for others until all symptoms have resolved.

about outbreak of cryptosporidiosis Detected in September Tarazona Related to drinking water, ensure Eight municipalities in Navarra belong to the same community “with no confirmed cases in recent weeks” Furthermore, “the observed incidence of acute gastroenteritis is consistent with what has been documented in other municipalities in the Foral community”

95 people died in the last week of September

Finally, public health department records show that during the week of September 25 to October 1 (the last time complete data was available) Death toll 95, within expected range This moment in every year.

However, he concluded that “in What have we got so far this year? The cumulative mortality rate is lower than the median of the previous five years.Probably already registered The death toll was about 130 fewer than expected, which is explained by a mild respiratory virus season and a moderate impact of heat waves. ”

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