León hospitals are full for a week due to influenza A and COVID-19

Winter cold, temperature changes, or increased cases of respiratory infections have led some patients to complain of a lack of solvent response in the system due to high user demand. Official sources from the León hospital management confirmed that emergencies increased last week.

On Tuesday, there was a significant spike in the number of patients visiting the emergency room, with more than 100 more patients and 500 patients visiting León hospitals, data that once again confirmed the increase in respiratory infections.

According to officials, the most high-profile patients in emergency rooms right now are older adults with pre-existing conditions who arrive with severe decompensation. Figures provided by hospital management show that despite increased emergency demand, far fewer cases require admission to wards than at the same time in other years. Additionally, most cases treated were minor illnesses that could be treated in primary care.

Increased respiratory tract infections

Following Tuesday’s peak number of emergency room visits, the number of patients on Wednesday was down by 60, but still above average, which is usually around 400. Looking at the hospital administration itself, they highlighted an increase in cases of influenza A, COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, although they also highlighted cases of visits to trauma units due to falls or minor fractures.

The management of León Hospital also highlighted the decrease in pediatric cases compared to previous events on these dates because, as they explained, “there is no pressure this year”.

The USO union has denounced the lack of space and staffing for patients to gather due to an increase in respiratory illnesses, with official sources saying this is not oversaturation but the usual increase at this time. “Of course there is an accumulation of beds, but when these dates come there will always be beds available in the hospitals,” an official source explained.

Reinforced insole

According to data provided by management, due to the increase in patients during this period, emergency personnel received reinforcements in the afternoon, adding one nurse and one doctor, and the number of nurses increased from eight to nine, and the number of doctors increased from 12 to 13 name. period. Tomorrow’s lineup figures remain unchanged.

However, from management’s perspective, there is no evidence to date of overcrowding other than at very specific moments. “This is not a common sight throughout the day or every day,” they assured from official sources.

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