Leonardo DiCaprio in Florence: the actor impressed by the works of great Italian artists like Michelangelo

The city leaves the actor mesmerized by the power of art, visiting the Medici Chapel and the Bargello National Museum

Leonardo DiCaprio in Florence: the actor impressed by the works of great Italian artists like Michelangelo

In the 1700s, young aristocrats traveled through Europe on the so-called Grand Tour, visiting the major sites of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations to broaden their knowledge. Today, although this tradition no longer exists, the history-filled places that were part of the itinerary continue to attract thousands of tourists from around the world. And Italy remains one of the most popular destinations. Rome and Venice have also become famous for Hollywood’s famous movies, on the other hand, another city wins the hearts of Americans for its art. Which one? we are talking about something Florence, The city that has attracted one of the most popular actors in the last few hours, as reported by the main newspapers around the world: Leonardo Dicaprio,

With his family and friend Tobey Maguire (best known for his role as Spiderman in the early 2000s), the star is savoring the wonders of our country. After Amalfi he arrives in the city of Lille, and here, accompanied by Paola D’Agostino, director of the Bargello Museum, the actor Titanic On June 13, Let yourself be enchanted by the Medici Chapel and the Bargello National Museum, precise. Special Interest? for the works of great Italian artists such as Michelangelo, Donatello, Giotto and Verrocchio in addition to Tomb of the Grand Ducal Family and the Bargello,

For the occasion, he wore an incredibly casual look to go almost unnoticed among the crowd of tourists: trousers, T-shirt, sneakers and a baseball cap. The same dress was also proposed for an evening spent in the company of his friend Toby, strolling through the historic center of Florence. Among other things, on the same day Pitti Uomo launches the prestigious exhibition dedicated to men’s fashion, which attracts crowds of VIPs to the city.

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