Let’s demystify the flu vaccine?

Let’s demystify the flu vaccine?
Let’s demystify the flu vaccine?
Photo Pexels/Nataliya Vaitkevich

Community pharmacies have been an integral part of the seasonal influenza vaccination campaign for several years, thus complementing the National Health Service and contributing to the immunization of the population.

This year, for the first time, all users aged 60 or older can vaccinate themselves at pharmacies without presenting a medical prescription. I am concerned that community pharmacies will adopt this approach because there is a lack of room to choose two pickup trucks for vaccination given the similar level of trust in medicines.

Every year, information campaigns are launched to clarify and promote the importance of vaccination. What other myths exist?

Myth 1: “I didn’t get vaccinated last year, so I don’t need to get a flu shot this year.”

The ingredients in the flu vaccine vary each year, depending on which strains were most prevalent the previous year. This means annual booster vaccinations are necessary to restore your immunity levels;

Myth 2: “If I get vaccinated, I won’t get the flu in the next few months”

Vaccination is the best form of prevention, but it does not prevent the spread and replication of the virus. When you are vaccinated, you are better protected from the diseases it causes, and your symptoms tend to be less severe;

Myth 3: “If the flu vaccine contains a virus, it will cause the flu”

The vaccine contains an inactivated influenza virus strain that does not have the ability to cause disease;

Myth 4: “The flu vaccine only protects me”

The flu vaccine protects us all because it prevents the spread of the virus and its spread, especially among high-risk groups;

The seasonal influenza vaccination campaign will begin on September 29 and will be extended until the end of the year. Capillary action in community pharmacies will help achieve over 75% vaccine coverage by 2022, and this year will certainly be no different.
I am over 60 years old, and I still want to be a pharmacist, clarify everyone’s doubts, and give vaccinations!

The text in this section reflects the personal views of the author. We do not represent the nature of ACTIVA or its editorial position.

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