Letter to Raul Miyango: Do ​​not give them the grace of death

When the judicial persecution started against you, with the trials against the truce (they lost twice in 2016 and 2017), I told you, “Eventually they’re going to screw you, Raul, because they feel You are the weakest for those who are trying to find stability in the country, because you make Salvadoran society so uncomfortable that few will protect you.” You answer me: “Maybe you are right, but what am I supposed to do? Back off? Never!”.

dear brother:

As many of us predicted, as your judge refused to admit, you are now fighting for your life in a Social Security intensive care unit with pneumonia, diabetes, artificial respiration, and hemodialysis. You’ve been connected to a tube for over 3 weeks and are fighting for your life. They want you dead. But please don’t do them this favor.

When the judicial persecution started against you, with the trials against the truce (they lost twice in 2016 and 2017), I told you, “Eventually they’re going to screw you, Raul, because they feel You are the weakest for those who are trying to find stability in the country, because you make Salvadoran society so uncomfortable that few will protect you.” You answer me: “Maybe you are right, but what am I supposed to do? Back off? Never!”.

You are embarrassed all the time. You are a guerrilla leader, not only the opponent’s guerrilla leader, but also the guerrilla leader among your comrades. Too principled, too stubborn, too independent. After the war you became dissidents within the Socialist Party of the Russian Federation because you disagreed with its wrong way of rebranding itself as a Social Democratic Party, but without integrating thousands of peasant fighters and their social base in the East into this new party. concept. When ERP leaves the front lines, you stay, only to become a dissident again. You finally come out with the remodeler.

Neither your ex-Soviet Red Cross colleagues nor your MLF colleagues support you when you become a mediator between gangs, bringing them into a project to build social peace. The party already in cabinet resisted appeasement because they don’t trust independents like you. They worry that people like you are involved and they have no control over the process.

But because you have always been a leftist and never concealed it, the right also has great suspicion of you. You end up isolated with few people to protect you. Neither left nor right. This makes you an ideal target.

That’s why you were convicted in a ridiculous trial and charged with racketeering when the extorted company begged you to intercede with the gang. Critics of “truce” need someone to crucify him. They cannot do this to Bishop Fabio Colindres because he is a bishop. They couldn’t do that to Oscar Ortiz, who joined the pacification effort as mayor of Santa Tecla, because they would defend him with the entire left. They couldn’t work with Miguel Insulza, who endorsed your work as Secretary General of the OAS.

You’re right: it’s not worth going back. I will defend you to the best of my ability: write about how they persecuted you and how they want to destroy you. I’m also stubborn. While many will say that I am tired of talking about Raul Miyango, as long as they don’t release you from prison to get the medical care you need, I will continue to do so.

masterYo I again ask them to hold another hearing and take action Right: Don’t send you back to Mariona.

Sand you won’t give up nor give themarrivei know meetanyoneundead

Your friend,

paul rules

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