Lía Limón leads the fight against pneumonia exposition

this Alvaro Obregon Mayor Leah Limon, Led the Advanced Expo “Harmony Against Pneumonia” in Plateros A Coruña.

In the winter, respiratory diseases are more common, mainly among the elderly. Antiviral drugs, mental health, sexual health, psychological counseling, elderly examination, drug addiction prevention, nursing, optometry and other related activities have been carried out.

In addition, there are fitness classes specifically designed for the industry, as well as exciting tango and rock dances.

We believe that preventive health is not an expense but one of the best investments in the health of our people: certainly for girls and boys, but also for seniors,” Limon said.

Representatives from companies including Pfizer, Sport City and Health Jurisdiction attended the show.

The mayor said that according to data from the National Institute of Public Health, pneumonia It is one of the five leading reasons why older adults are hospitalized.

Join the coalition and do your part so that in Alvaro Obregon we have the opportunity to take care of the health of those seniors who have taken care of us over the years and now we have to take care of,” he said.


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