Libra and Aquarius are the luckiest

Horoscope for today, Wednesday, August 30, 2023, and forecasts for the sign: the emotions that the Full Moon in Pisces is about to cause are very strong. Retrograde Mercury and Venus are thought provoking: the lucky sign is Aquarius, and the unlucky sign is Leo.

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Horoscope for todayWednesday, August 30, 2023, as well as iconic predictions for love, work and luck: here’s what the stars have in store for us today.

We are approaching the Full Moon in Pisces, which will be very early tomorrow morning. Emotions become intense and thoughts very deep. Mercury retrograde is also an accomplice.

Considering that the Moon will be in the sign of Aquarius for most of the day, I would say that lucky sign and Aquarius himself, who is definitely on the mend while bad sign it’s a lion. But he hardly notices it.

Horoscope of the week from August 28 to September 3, 2023: Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are very determined.


You should weigh situations better because you are always looking for a less difficult path when Mars is against you. In fact, you may be considering joining the new faculty at Taylor Swift University, thinking it would be easy. Considering the huge popularity and portfolio of the artist, I really think that you are very mistaken.

Love: rather you play rummy.
Job: Ask your supervisor to take an orientation course.
Luck: you avoid it, but only because you don’t know what it is anymore.
Tip of the day: Replace the batteries in all remote controls in the house.
Vote: half past six


Fortunately, the full moon is approaching tonight, and from tonight it will be possible to communicate with you without giving the impression that you are dealing with RoboCop. You are always too immersed in economic and household calculations, because it must be a guy like you who decided to charge a client for a plate broken by a little girl in a restaurant. It’s okay to demand respect and polite manners, but don’t overdo it.

Love: Thai heart massage.
Job: The ideal accessory is a calculator.
Luck: Don’t use this to your advantage.
Tip of the day: Make marshmallows at home.


When we talk about sex with you, you completely lose the trebizond and rush into the first suitable embrace that comes your way, the accomplice of Mars, who kindles your desires. You are so obsessed with this issue that you dream of having urinals with red mouths in all public toilets, which have become the subject of discussion in the media. I guarantee you that your vision compromised by Mercury often needs to be revised.

Love: Free admission.
Job: You are in a fantasy book.
Luck: Full speed ahead but no direction.
Tip of the day: collect old pokemon cards.
Vote 6 and a half


At this point, you are not ready for combat, but rather remain the undisputed head of the control room, all thanks to Mercury. Since strategy is your forte, could you give some advice to French wine producers who, having overdosed, now have to spend hundreds of millions of euros to destroy the excess.

Love: Message not received.
Job: inner passion.
Luck: There is always a four-leaf clover in your garden.
Tip of the day: a long phone conversation with your best friend.
Vote 7

a lion

The courage of the king of the forest becomes reckless now that you have Mars, which uplifts you and always prompts you to action. In this desire to exaggerate, one could take an example from the boy who recently jumped from the Rialto Bridge in Venice and was met with thunderous applause. You want recognition for your heroic deeds, and with Venus in your sign, there will certainly be no shortage of them.

Love: You are a magnet.
Job: Mission Impossible or Nothing.
Luck: the protagonist of the movie of your life.
Tip of the day: Winter tour through the windows of the city center.
Vote 6 and a half


It’s okay to be a nerd, Verginona dear, but sometimes you exaggerate with Mercury, who always demands you have the right answer handy, even though sometimes it’s best to keep silent. You want to be right at all costs, and you work so hard that you get advice like the one that comes from a well-known scientific journal, which says that to kill mosquitoes in the garden, it would be better to take a family of bats. While he’s at it, he also recommends the included DIY house model.

Love: too many words and technical details.
Job: The details don’t really matter.
Luck: Slow down and enjoy the ride.
Tip of the day: Dust off the karaoke microphone.
Vote 6-


You have every right and even a duty to be brave, like Arisa, who offers herself without a veil on social networks in search of a husband. The marriage of Mars and Venus has a truly deadly effect on you. You are a real conquest serial killer, perhaps also because the Moon is giving you that languid look that cannot be denied today.

Love: shock kisses, fatal kisses.
Job: served and revered.
Luck: Queen of beauty.
Tip of the day: spread good humor like perfume for the environment.
Vote 7 and a half


Joy for you is knowledge, which obviously rhymes with power, since by now you have been fully committed to the intellect, while matters of the heart are put aside in the garage due to Venus versus and the crooked Moon. Do you think that the EU’s decision to publish the salaries of all workers is a real gift from the stars, so you can add fundamental elements that can be used as needed for unsinkable theses?

Love: I threw it out without even reading it.
Job: perfect analysis.
Luck: sand in stock.
Tip of the day: draw esoteric symbols.
Vote 6 upgrade


You’re actually the protagonist of Pierino-style jokes because you think you’ll find alternative ideas, but instead you’re only creating problems. Mercury against you will never leave you even for an aperitif, because this is where he comes into action. Fortunately, when Venus is in favor, you are still loved even when you stand for five minutes looking at the window of a liquor store in Milan’s Via Padua and wondering why there is an old sign that says “toys”. Darling, now is not the time to ask yourself too many questions.

Love: you like a lot.
Job: Out of office mode.
Luck: You don’t realize your potential.
Tip of the day: before dressing and going out, check the temperature.
Vote 6 and a half with love


You have already made a change of season with such frosts, especially after you saw that the snow had fallen and the Alpine passes had closed. Protect yourself from Mars with a scarf, hat and gloves. However, do not shelter in the house immediately until next spring. Take yourself a little walk at least in your area.

Love: five minutes before bedtime.
Job: additional charge.
Luck: you feel protected only within the four walls of your house.
Tip of the day: crochet scarf.
Vote 7-


I’m sure Mattia Cofetti’s idea of ​​using microchips under the skin for everyday operations like paying for groceries or opening a door really “frustrated” you. The Moon in your sign emphasizes the desire to project into the future, into a hyper-tech and functional world, like in a sci-fi movie.

Love: During shooting.
Job: digital generation.
Luck: taken early in the morning.
Tip of the day: renew subscriptions to scientific journals.
Vote 6 and a half


You like to live in poetry and fantasies that are just bread for your soul. However, sometimes reality can be more interesting than your imagination, even if Mercury is against you, it’s hard to tell the difference. The perfect place for you is the city of Livigno, which covered the streets of the city with snow for cross-country skiing competitions, creating a surreal panorama of people in slippers and swimsuits walking in the snow. You are looking for such places: magical.

Love: This is a projection of a Walt Disney movie.
Job: destructive thinking.
Luck: it is picked in the morning, like fresh flowers wet with dew.
Tip of the day: look back at the January list of resolutions.
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