Lila Moss’s long dress is sexy

Tolady more intimate to see They punctuate the underwear trend, which thanks to the fashion revival of the ’90s and 2000s, is now ubiquitous on catwalks, red carpets, and street style looks. Lingerie no longer hides under layers of clothing, but peeks out from trousers, skirts and blouses to take the place of any top and bottom, and it has become a popular choice for many, starring stars and influencers such as Rosalia, Hailey Bieber, Kendall Jenner and Lily. Shown by shots. – Rose Depp. list is also available lila mosswho played a hypnotic game slip dress In satin to attend a London event.

Wednesday June 7th 2023 Some pictures of models immortalized in the Summer Preview summer exhibition 2023, the annual exhibition organized by the Royal Academy to raise funds for the prestigious British Academy of Arts. For the occasion, Leila Moss focused on a long dress With a minimalist and sensuous silhouette from which to draw inspiration for a summer night out.

Summer 2023 fashion, Lila Moss slip dress is the longest dress

Like mother, like daughter: Stylish young model’s look summer exhibition appears to be a reference to the famous slip dresses worn by Londoners Kate Moss In the 90s’. In particular, the long dress chosen by lila moss is one black slip dress by Versace which features a wide neckline at the back and a deep V-shaped décolleté. Made of satin fabric, the model softly drapes the body shape and is floor length, where a pair of black sandals with stiletto heels can be glimpsed. ,

LONDON, ENGLAND June 06 Leila Moss attends the 2023 Royal Academy of Arts Summer Preview Party at the Royal Academy of Arts on June 06, 2023 in London, England Photo by Mike MarslandWireImage

Mike MarslandGetty Images

London, England June 06 Leila Moss attends the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition Preview Party 2023 on June 6, 2023 in London, England Photo by Dave Bennetghetti Images

David M BennettGetty Images

As accessories, the model opted for a small and rectangular leather bag in a palette with the dress, a pair of star-shaped pendant earrings and a bright rigid bracelet. Even the hairstyling pays homage to mom Kate Moss’ hair look: The front locks are sleek and pulled behind the ears, while the rest of the blonde hair is left loose in soft and natural waves.

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